Chapter 19

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                Narrator's P.O.V.
     Freddy entered the nearest church he could find and knelt at the altar. He wasn't particularly religious but he felt, for once, he needed to  be here, if only to clear his thoughts. He honestly couldn't believe the turn things had taken lately, between the bet, losing Rose, and her getting kidnapped. It all reminded him that he had more than a few skeletons in his closet and they weren't all necessarily about the people he'd killed.
     He was surprised when he heard a familiar voice behind him. "Hello, father."
     Freddy turned to see the daughter he had lost standing there, looking a lot like how he'd seen her last. "Katherine."
      "I never thought I'd see you again. I figured after our last encounter-"
      "I missed you." He interrupted. "Everything's gone to shit and I realized just how badly I messed up."
     Katherine looked confused. "What do you mean?"
     So Freddy explained everything that had happened since he'd last seen her. Katherine's eyebrows knitted together in confusion then in surprise as he did so.
     "You really care about her, don't you?"
     "I really do." He said. "I've never cared about anything before, not since they killed me, except for you. That's a long time of just nothing. And losing her has opened my eyes."
     "To what?"
     "To how much I missed up with everything. Including you. You're my kid, Katherine, and I needed you to know that I care. And, if I survive, I'm gonna fix things." Then a thought occurred to him and he cocked his head to the side. "How did you know I was looking for you?"
     "I told her."
     Freddy turned to see another familiar face. "Mom?"
     Amanda Krueger nodded. "Hello, Freddy."
      "Why are you here? I thought you moved on?"
      "I did. But I knew you needed me."
      "And why would you come back? Last time I saw you, you called me a disgrace."
      Amanda looked sad for a moment, before she replied, "I messed up. Perhaps if I hadn't have abandoned you, you wouldn't have started killing. But that doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that you did better. You moved past it all and found love."
     "And now she hates me and is trapped in hell."
     "But we can fix that. Together."
     "No. It's too dangerous...for either one of you." He gestured first to his mother, then his daughter.
     "Doesn't matter." Katherine said. "Dad, you finally did something I can be proud of you for. So I'm gonna help you get her back."
     "And so will I."
     Freddy threw his arms around the pair. "Ok then. Me and my girls, together again. But this time, we're all on the same side." He chuckled for a moment before he suddenly remembered. "Oh crap!"
     "What?" They asked in concern.
     "I can't believe I forgot to tell Rose I had a daughter!"
     Both women cracked up, laughing. "Well, let's save her first. Then we can tell her everything."
     And Freddy hugged his girls again.
                        * * * * *
     Soon enough, the gang was all back at the Elm Street house and in various stages of getting ready. Freddy had brought Amanda and Katherine, the former of which kept her outfit and took a few daggers and a scythe because "it seemed poetic", the latter of which keeping what she was wearing, except that she added a familiar sweater and took a replica of Freddy's knife glove.
     Everyone in both Freddy's and Jason's gangs had shown up, each bringing their families or gang members, each carrying a weapon. (Kitty Kat was dressed as, you guessed it, a cat with very long claws. Karma looked a lot like Margot Robbie's version of Harley Quinn. Naia wore a long white dress, looked like Amy Lee, and carried a scythe.)
     Billy had called Stu who had come over as well. Sam and the killer klowns had come to join the group, as did another woman, carrying a box of Gremlins. ("Just don't get them wet." She'd warned.)
      Dani was the last ready, after getting into her Devilish Angel getup: a half black and blue tank top that ended at her waist with rips in it, black ripped skinny jeans, leather black jacket, and spiked boots. Her weapons consisted of guns and knives, mostly. Once dressed, she grabbed her sister's outfit and weapons and put them in a bag before heading into the living room to join the others.
     The living room was packed full of killers in their full-on war outfits, weapons in their hands. Pamela Voorhees was sorting through her ingredients.
     "Everyone ready?"
     Dani glanced back at the doorway where Lauren was holding Angel. Lauren gave Dani a sweet smile, nodding that everything was alright.
     Everyone in the room said they were ready and Pamela turned to the Necronomicon to begin the spell. "First, I need an object from hell to act as a sort of tether, a way to help us pinpoint where we want to go."
     "And where do we find something like that?" One killer griped.
     "The puzzle box." Freddy said.
     "I got the pieces." Jason said, opening a small bag and dumping the contents in front of his mother.
     Naia tocuhed the pieces and they knitted themselves back together. Pamela nodded and said, "Someone turn off the lights. Once the spell gets started, it's gonna be very bright in here."
    Lauren turned them off from her place in the doorway, and the room was plunged into darkness. Pamela lit a bunch if candles that were around the group, half of them black, the other half white. Then she took the ingredients and began adding them in quick succession, most of which no one wanted to question what they were because they looked gross.
     "One last ingredient." Pamela stated. "I need the blood of two demons. Freddy? Jason, my boy? Care to do the honors?"
      Freddy stepped forward first, cut his hand on his knife glove and held it over the bowl like Pamela instructed. His blood dripped into the bowl. Next, Jason went up. His mother did the job herself, instructing her boy to be still as she did so.
     As soon as the blood was poured, everyone was instructed into a circle. They did so and Pamela said the spell, chanting it three times. Then they waited.
     Nothing happened.
     "What happened?" Dani asked.
     "I'm not sure." Pamela said, flipping through the book. "It didn't work for some reason."
     "Are you sure you did it right?" Freddy growled in annoyance.
     "I did everything right!" Pamela yelled.
     The killers started to bicker amongst themselves for a second. Finally, Chucky rolled his eyes. "Fuck this! This is just a waste if my fu-" All of a sudden, everyone was pulled from the room as the spell finally activated. "Ah! We're being sucked into a vortex of pure evil!"
     "Well what'd you expect?" Freddy yelled back. "That we were gonna ride into hell on a glittery pink unicorn that eats cupcakes and shit's out sprinkles?!"
     "Fuck you, you burnt pickle!"
     "Fuck you, Raggedy Andy wannabe!"
     "Oh please! Raggedy Andy wishes he was me! Oof!"
     With that, everyone landed on the ground in a doggy pile. Everything was dark for several minutes. Then someone lit a candle and Pamela called out, "Ok who's not dead? Sound off."
     Everyone began groaning and Beetlejuice called out, "Wait. how does that work? About half of us already are!"
     At that moment, Dani yelled, "Ok. I don't know what wise guy has his hand on my ass but he better seriously reconsider it in the next two seconds or it's getting chopped off!"
     Stu immediately removed his hands, without a word. Slowly, the large group of killers got disentangled from one another and stood up.
     Once everyone had got to their feet, Brahms asked, "Did we do it??"
     Someone made a sarcastic comment and Pamela silenced everyone. "Take this seriously, people! And...other things."
      "She's right." Freddy said. "This place is the place of your worst nightmares. It makes what I do seem like fluffy dreams by comparison."
     "This place will destroy what's left of our pathetic souls." Jason added.
      "Indeed. hell." Pamela stated.
      At that moment, the place was lit up by a bunch of hellfire flaring up from the side. Freddy immediately jumped out of the way, screaming.
     "The master of everyone's nightmares...and he's afraid of a little bit of fire." Jason said, laughing.
     "Says the practically 10 foot tall wannabe goalie with a fear of water!"
     "Quiet down!" Pamela said in annoyance. "We've got work to do." Immediately, Freddy's carefree attitude vanished and he was serious again. "Keep your weapons at the ready. We don't know what's down there." Pamela warned. "Now let's go."
      And, with that, the large group of killers walked through the gates of hell.

YASSSSSS! I've been excited to write this part for ages! How do you guys like it??

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