03. Stay out of my way.

Start from the beginning

"Great. Drink up. Good girl." Katherine grabbed the bottle out of Damon's hand and she began to look somewhat normal again. "I've come bearing gifts. I didn't have time to properly shop, but I did get a couple of things." Katherine looked towards Damon but his back was to her, he was hanging clothes on a grate, so she instead saw Lilith standing with her arms over her chest, a predatory smile pulling at her red lips. Katherine flinched backward causing Lilith's shoulders to move in silent laughter. Katherine looked away from Lilith and finished the rest of the blood. She crushed the bottle in her hand causing Damon to look at her.

"That blood did the trick, you almost look pretty again." Lilith scoffed behind Damon.

"What is it you want, Damon?" Katherine was avoiding Lilith.

"Guess who's back in town? Your old friend, John Gilbert."

"Really? Why?"

"Says he loves his daughter, wants to protect her from Elijah and big, bad Klaus." Katherine saw Lilith's smile widen behind Damon but she kept quiet.

"Touching." Katherine felt strong enough to stand and she did, using the wall for support.

"Yeah, right. He told me about this old wives tale about how to kill an Original."

"And you want to know if it's true. If it was I wouldn't tell you." Katherine moves from the wall to grab a jacket that was hanging on the grate.

"Why, not? You want Elijah and Klaus both dead, so why not tell us?" Lilith jumped into the conversation, stepping around Damon to stand next to him, causing Katherine to tense up. Katherine knew she could end this and spill Lilith's secret but that would end with her and Damon dead, and she did not want that.

"Klaus, yes. Elijah, no. He's compelled me to stay here. If he dies I'm stuck here forever."

"That sucks, doesn't it." Lilith tilted her head in a thoughtful expression and Katherine was left wondering what the brunette's plan was.

"Forgot it. Killing Elijah would be a suicide mission, you can't do it." Katherine knew that even if they could kill Elijah Lilith would never allow it. Back when Katherine was still human and she met the Mikaelsons she saw how close Elijah and Lilith were.

"Can so."

"Can't." Katherine was really loosing her patience with the raven haired Salvatore.

"Even with a dagger and a little white oak ash?" Katherine turned to Damon with a look of surprise but when she cast her eyes over to Lilith the brunette was standing calmly, not caring about what the dagger could do.

"No. Damon, if you kill Elijah, then I'm stuck in here forever."

"Your scared aren't you Katherine." Kathrine could almost feel Lilith's amusement from where she stood in the tomb.

"Just get me out of here first and then I'll help you. I-I'll help you kill Elijah or-or protect Elena. What ever you want." Katherine wanted out of this tomb and she would do anything to get out, even beg.

"I get you out of here and your ass is sipping Klaus-free margaritas on some unknown island somewhere. No way."

"That's not true. I'll stay. Damon, please just don't do it."

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