"Really ? Well it's my first time at one of these."

"Don't worry you'll have fun. And if you don't , we'll drink all the free wine in this place until we have fun." She said with a laugh before grabbing two glasses of wine from a waiter walking by.
"We have to make a toast." She said excitedly.
"To new beginnings and ever lasting romance." She said sending me a cheeky wink.
We made a toast and had a drink of our wine.
"This is just what I needed." I said as I finished off my glass in 3 gulps.
Marie looked at me with a surprised expression before bursting out laughing.
"I think we're gonna be great friends." She said before downing the rest of her glass and grabbing us two more.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the annual award show gala , please make your way to your assigned seats." The booming voice ended spoke over the loud speaker and soon everyone was shuffling to find their seats.

We quickly said bye to James and Marie before going to find out seats. We were seated at a table that was really close to the stage. It seemed like the VIP area. Our table was already filled by the time we sat down.
Everyone greeted us and introductions were made but it seemed like all the couples at the table just spoke to each other.

Tony leaned in and whispered into my ear, "How you doing ?"
"I'm okay , this isn't so bad. How are you coach?" I asked running my hand supportive along his back.
"I'm good." He said before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

**Tony POV **
I was nervous.
The thought of getting up in front of this crowd was eating away at me.
I tried to focus on Aubrey.
She was talking to the couple seated next to her.
Like everyone that ever met her , they hung on every word she said. For a brief moment all the nerves drifted away as I watched her smiling , engaging and laughing.
My girlfriend.
There was always something so familiar yet foreign about her presence. Like she felt like home but a good home I wasn't used to living in.
I wasn't used to being this attached to someone.
The booming voice pulled me out of my thoughts as it was announced that the award ceremony would start.
Like all the other years before , the players were awarded first , then the coach's and lastly the teams.
I sat back anxiously as I watched a few iconic players receiving their awards.
I felt Aubrey's hand on my thigh, she gently squeezed it and offered me a smile.
I hadn't realized that I was anxiously tapping my foot.
"Whatever happens , I'm really proud of you." She said.
"Why?" I couldn't help the questions from falling out of my mouth. It was a thoughtful sentiment but i was sure she didn't know much , if anything at all, about my coaching skills or history.
She seemed a bit taken a back but didn't miss a beat in her response.
"Every time you talk about coaching , you're eyes light up. I have never met someone as passionate as you are. And I might have done a bit of research on you but in a totally not creepy way."
I laughed at her confession and place my arm around the back of her chair before placing a soft kiss on her cheek.
She gave my thigh another squeeze before turning her attention back to the stage.
I took a deep breathe and tried to enjoy the moment for what it was.

Aubrey POV

"They about to start with the coaches" Tony said from beside me.
His nerves were obvious.
He had switched from his usual charming outgoing self to being stoic and silent.
I was trying to be supportive without being too much but I still wasn't quite sure what to say.
I squeezed his hand as the MC started announcing the nominees.
"You've got this." I said to him giving him a huge smile and for a moment, he relaxed.
"It's just me and you okay." I said as we looked at each other.
There was a calmness that I knew we both needed.
It was us against the world.

"Anthony Gardaio"
Just like that we were pulled out of our world.
I gasped at the realization that he had won. Tony let it a booming laugh at my reaction before giving me a kiss on the cheek.
He got up and walked to the stage shaking peoples hands on the way there.
He walked up the stairs and accepted his trophy and then stood by the mic for his acceptance speak.

"I don't think I could ever get used to this." He said making the crowd laugh.
"I want to thank everyone for supporting my team. I've had the pleasure of coaching such talented and dedicated young men that have made my job so much easier and continue to amaze each day. I'm forever grateful for the support I've received from this community."
Tony took a moment to look around the room, offering everyone his dazzling smile. Pulling the audience in.
"A lot of the coaches have really stepped it up this year  but I have to take a moment to give a big shout out to Lance Martin."
At the mention of Lance , the crowd started to cheer.
"I've admired this mans work, his dedication and passion for years and it's been so exciting watching him transform into the coach he is today. I'd like to just shed light on all the coaches because I've learned so much from all of you and I admire you all. Thank you for this award and enjoy the rest of the evening."
The crowd erupted into an applause.

I was filled with pride as he walked down from the stage , beaming and a lot more relaxed.
He walked back the table and before I could process anything he had reached me , pulled my body into his and kissed me.
I heard the crowd coo and cheer but I could focus on was Tony's lips pressed on mine.

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