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One month later

Sams POV

I'm confused. About life. About everything. I've thought of Colby in this way before but I just pushed it back. Do I like him? Probably not. I'm probably just sad because of the breakup. I mean Colby's always been there for me... I love him... as more than a friend? No I can't. He's with Someone and I can't ruin that.

Colby's POV

Me and Marie are so happy together. I haven't thought about Sam the same way since I got with Marie. That's good cause he obviously is straight and would never love me back. Marie is really sick so I'm gonna be running out to get her some medicine, candy and whatever else she wants. She told me what she wanted. I got up and put one of my hoodies on and then started walking out the door. "Hey where are you going?" Sam asked running up to me. "To the store then to Marie's. "Oh damn I was gonna ask if I could go but I don't wanna get sick." Sam said giggling a little bit. "Aw I'm sorry" I said smiling at him. "Nah it's fine" he said a little sad. The whole time me and Marie have been dating I haven't had too much time to hangout with Sam. Only when we do Sam and Colby. "Sam.. I'm sorry. We can hangout when I get back okay?" I asked him. "Yeah" he said smiling.

I got to the store and walked in. I started looking around when I spotted CrankThatFrank!! "Frank!" I yelled at him and his girlfriend. "Hey Colby" He said Hugging me. "How have you been?" He asked. "I've been good! I've met this amazing girl and I'm actually here getting her stuff cause she's sick" I said frowning. "I'm so happy for you! So ur officially over Sam?" He asked quietly. "Yeah! I haven't thought of him in the Same way since I started dating Marie" I said blushing. "I'm so proud of you." He said smiling at me. "Thanks... We should probably get going and let you be on ur way" Frank said. "Okay it was nice seeing you" I said waving to them as they walked away. I walked over to the medicine  aisle and got the medicine she needed. I got her some Reese's like she wanted along with some chips, cookies and M&Ms because those are her favorites. I bought the stuff and went back out to my car. I left for her house.

It started out with a kiss // Solby FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now