Chapter Thirty One

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"You just can't beat the person who won't give up."


Reassurance wormed its way within me whenever I doubted Grayson's intentions. He received my thumb drive, and anxiety devours me whenever I ponder about his plan.

I woke up with the image of defeating Calvin Woodland, only to realize it could potentially happen.

I drove to the location Josh had sent me and parked my car after seeing a low but stupendous building with bright decorations that sought immediate attention. There was a large driveway where people were dropped off from their ostentatious, costly cars and entering the spacious indoor area. There were an innumerable amount of people here to celebrate the corporate foundation day.

Everyone wore outfits that looked as if it cost a total of four digits, standing out spectacularly. Everyone was accompanied, but I stood alone.

Usually, Grayson would be earlier than I was, but currently, I was on time, and he was nowhere in sight. There was a considerable possibility he was already inside, so I decided to make my grand entrance after sending a short text to him.

A chandelier was hung loosely on the low ceiling, a pretty source of light that gave the venue a certain luxurious flavour. The crystals on the chandelier dangled and sparkled with arrogance above the countless circular tables where people were.

At the end of the room was a stage with a single mic stand. There was not an empty table anywhere. They were all taken up by people who worked in the company or by oddly familiar faces which I had come across in newspapers or magazines.

I chose to sit around a table with a small family after a moment of exploring the area.

Looking around, people who were previously standing had settled down, waiting for my stepfather's appearance.

It did not take long before he stepped out in his expensive suit and the sickening smile I knew too well. He held the microphone as he stepped onto the stage and started delivering his speech.

"It's truly extraordinary to see the evolution of Wood International Industries. It is now a place people would be proud to call their second home. Indeed, it took effort and more than a decade of hard work, but a blink away and I find myself here, celebrating the success of my company throughout the years, on the very same day it was built." His words were delivered in a profoundly expressive way.

"For those partnerships, fellow workers and those I consider my family, this party is dedicated to you, do enjoy it to your fullest." His eyes were luculent with satisfaction while the crowd gave him a round of reverberant applause, touched by his words.

I rolled my eyes, unable to look at him for another second. They were all lies; none of his gratitude was real. He knew he deserved everything he earned.

Still, he stood on the stage, holding the microphone close to his lips.

"A few months ago, a piece of news was reported in the press just as my son was delivered. I'm going to address that information, first by saying it is indeed true." The news was long forgotten, and I loathed that he brought it up.

"I do have a daughter. A stepdaughter who should be here today." He looked around, searching for me, and I had the strongest urge to cover my face. I wondered when our final fight was going to happen; I was looking forward to it.

I delved in my pocket for my phone after feeling a buzz. I glanced at the text I received from Grayson.

"You'll see," it said.

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