Chapter Twenty Six

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"Justice is the sum of all moral duty."


Ian and I strode confidently to Calvin's mansion.

The plan was clear in our heads. I'll enter the house and surreptitiously slip into one of the many empty rooms and unlock the window for Ian. Both of us have a little pocket knife hidden. He will create clatters while being sneaky so I can have the opportunity to strike skillfully and achieve an advantage. We will flee after doing our job, leaving Calvin in profound pain.

My mother would not be in the picture, nor will Justice. I hope he will never be involved in such violence, but my father had the same wish for me and looked where I am now.

Ian parked his car a few buildings away, and we strolled over with confidence.

I knocked on the door and waited as my mother pushed it open for me with a look of bliss and a radiant smile.

"Why didn't you tell me you'd be coming? I could have prepared food," she said, ushering me into the mansion. I was unmistakably certain I had yet to step into some of the rooms, despite once living here for four years. I barely did much while living with my parents. I isolated myself in my room, reluctant to face them.

It was until I turned sixteen when my mother sought and pleaded with Calvin to rent me an apartment. I prearranged to buy a house when I start working in the future, not extraordinarily massive like my father's home, just one which is comfortable. I disliked how my stepfather was providing shelter for me, and I wished to pay most of the large sum of money back because although I despised him, I found it my responsibility to pay for what I own.

"Your brother is in your old room," my mother told me before sauntering into the kitchen.

Without a second of time wasted, I hurried to the back of the house, where I hastily unlocked the window and slid it open. Ian then climbed through and silently closed the window.

"Remember, Ian. Leave my mother and brother out of this," I vocalized, ensuring I receive a nod before we track down the indistinct voice of Calvin Woodland.

I could barely believe we were using Tyler's ludicrous plan. He should be accompanying me right now and not Ian.

Ian and I found him in a room with a woman. Judging by the way her hair styled in a tight bun and the outfit, I could tell she is a nanny looking after Justice. What shocked me was the fact that they were not just chatting.

The young nanny laid her hands on either side of Calvin's shoulder, her lips just an inch away from his. My stepfather used his two free hands to grip the side of her waist.

I felt this abrupt wrath fuel in my chest, and the revulsion I felt towards him was beyond what I thought was possible. My mother murdered a man for him, and yet he eyed another woman with eyes of lust.

Gritting my teeth, I tore my eyes from him and allowed Ian to perform his part. He knocked over items, but Calvin barely noticed. I scoffed, giving Ian his time to complete his job.

The lady that Calvin desired could be the distraction itself, but it was too much of a risk to discard the original plan.

I entered the large living room, where my mother was cradling Justice.

"Did you go into his room to find him? I should have mentioned he's with Reina," my mother said, looking over to the woman who she addressed as 'Reina'. She had the same hairstyle and outfit as the woman I thought was the only nanny in the house.

I smiled and nodded, guilt-ridden for not telling her of the affair just rooms away. It clouded my thoughts before I pushed it to the back of my head.

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