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I'm back! 
With a new story.

This is Book 1 of Melting Hearts, Book 2 is out, titled 'Leira'

I'm really excited to bring you this book since it is nothing that I've written before. I was always interested with writing a book about action, revenge and romance :3
By the way, I need story covers for this story and I'm terrible at making them. So if any kind soul would create one and sent to to my email ( with your Wattpad username, I'll appreciate it xx
^Your cover would be in this story

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Thank you so much for clicking into this story, I appreciate it :)


"Don't trust anyone but yourself, or you will get hurt" Were the last few words Hope Valentino's father said - causing her to live in her own silent world.

All she grew to want was revenge, she wanted those who stolen all happiness from her life to get hurt and slowly vanish into dust. She trained herself to fight, but she knew clearly what she was dealing with, and she needed assistance.

When Tyler Rivera - a young man which constantly had problems back at home - unknowingly stepped into her world of vengeance.

It was not long before he realised that in her world, merciless was an understatement.


Q U O T E S • OR • P H R A S E S

Prologue: "One thing about tables - they always turn" - Amanda Voggenreiter
Chapter 1: "Silence says a lot" - Avi Das
Chapter 2: "You always have the choice"
Chapter 3: "Friends can break your heart too" -gnash
Chapter 4: "I got your back"
Chapter 5: "I will do anything"
Chapter 6: "Wild lives in her soul" - t.y.
Chapter 7: "Race to win"
Chapter 8: "People will stab you in the back and
then ask why you're bleeding" - vaishnavi karthikeyan
Chapter 9: "To him who is determined it remains only to act" - Italian Proverb

Chapter 10: "When I tell you I trust you, don't make me regret it" - Damon Salvatore, The Vampire Diaries (yas Delena ❤️)

Chapter 11: "Revenge is a dish best served cold" -Old Klingon proverb
Chapter 12: "I can't get you out of my mind"
Chapter 13: "I want to see you here. Beside me"
Chapter 14: "Love is a flower you've got to let grow" - John Lennon
Chapter 15: "Stay with you till the morning"
Chapter 16: "Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead" - Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack
Chapter 17: "Secrets were meant to be told"
Chapter 18: "I'd learned that some things are best kept secret." - Nicholas Sparks, Dear John
Chapter 19: "It takes a long time to grow an old friend" - John Leonard
Chapter 20: "It's generally more fun playing the villain" -Charlie Hunnam
Chapter 21: "I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil" - Marilyn Monroe
Chapter 22: "A poor man with a rich character beats a rich man with a poor reputation" -Jon Michail, Group CEO and founder
Chapter 23: "I hear them talking behind my back. At least there is a reason why they are behind me" -Gymaholic
Chapter 24: "The best thing about the worst time of your life is that you get to see the true colours of everyone you cared for" - Bakare
Chapter 25: "As your feelings for someone grow stronger, so does your fear of losing them" -Sakshi Lakhani
Chapter 26: "Justice is the sum of all moral duty." -William Godwin
Chapter 27: "There is no such thing as a coincidence. Notice how everything in your life somehow leads up to the's all connected" -
Chapter 28: "She knew the power of her mind and so programmed it for success" - Carrie Green
Chapter 29: "Better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie." - Khaled Hosseini
Chapter 30: "The best revenge is massive success" - Frank Sinatra
Chapter 31: "You just can't beat the person who won't give up." - Gabe Ruth
Chapter 32: "Somehow I always knew no matter how far we drifted away from each other, that we would find our way back together again." - The Better Man Project
Chapter 33: "Strangers can become best friend just as easy as best friends can become strangers." - Via (The Minds Journal)
Chapter 34: "Sometimes, being strong means not holding back the tears but letting them fall." -
Chapter 35: "In one kiss, you'll know all I haven't said." - Pablo Neruda
Chapter 36: "It's funny how sometimes the people you'd take a bullet for, are the ones behind the trigger." - Sada Aizaz
Chapter 37: "Everyone has a story. Everyone has gone through something that changed them." - Via (Quotes 'nd Notes)
Epilogue: "The end of one story is always the beginning of another." - Mark Anthony


This is NOT another short story like my other books, I am determined to make this story longer.
This is a story I wanted to write/read for quite awhile so I was motivated to write it.

There will be songs at the very start of the chapter - I will find them in the lists of hottest songs probably from this year or they can be songs I personally like :3


Alright, so I decided to let this story go for a competition outside Wattpad, in the same website I published my first story ever and removed it from here (Dreame). I'm not certain I will win, so it was a 'eh, worth a try' moment when I got the private message. Then I found out this story will be removed from Wattpad if I win so I hesitated to enter...

The contest lasts until November, and I will be glad however it turns out.

So, for the meantime, you can also support me there. Link is also in my profile,

Thank you again for clicking into this story!!


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