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I can't believe I agreed to go on this date with Jack. He told me if I didn't want anything to do with him after that, he'll leave me alone. Even if I don't want him to leave me alone, it's something that must happen.

Everything is happening too quickly. He just broke up with Madison last night. I don't want to be his rebound . . . I don't want to get my heart broken again.

It is 6:52 and i'm ready. Jack told me he'd pick me up by seven and to wear something casual. I decided on a white blouse, tucked in a jean skirt with my white converse. I let my hair down and curled it a little. I put a hair pin on the side, so my hair won't get in my face. As for my makeup, I just put on some mascara and clear lip gloss. I'm not a big fan of foundation; my face gets itchy. 

Everyone decided to go watch a movie. I gave them the excuse that I wasn't feeling good and Jack just said he didn't want to go. No one knows about my date with Jack, not even Analicia. When this date is over i'll tell her everything. Even though nothing else will happen after tonight.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. I'm so nervous that I feel sick. I smoothed out my jean skirt with my hands before opening the door.

"Hello," I smiled awkwardly. I haven't been on a date in a year. Not since Paul.

"Hey," Jack smiled flashing his white teeth at me. "You ready to go?"

I nodded my head and grabbed my purse, heading out the door. When we got to the elevator it was silent, but it wasn't awkward. I feel comfortable around him.

"Are we getting an Uber?" I broke the silence walking out of the elevator towards the hotel entrance. 

"No, I rented a car since we're staying for three more days." he unlocked the car with the remote car key. It's an eight-seat black Jeep Wrangler.

"Isn't it more expensive?"

"Yeah, but everyone was planning to go to the beach," he put on his seat belt and turned on the engine. "It's more convenient."

"So," I paused putting on my seat belt. "where are we going?"

"Nope," he said popping the p. "It's a surprise," he pulled out of the parking lot, heading towards our destination.

I groaned silently so he couldn't hear me, but it didn't go unnoticed. Jack chuckled lightly.

"Come on. I promise we're going to have fun," he put his hand on my thigh giving it a little squeeze. I lightly jumped surprised by his action. 

Jack turned on the radio, using the hand that was on my thigh. Once he found the station he wanted, he put his hand back to where it was before. The rest of the way to where ever we were going was just us singing to the random songs that came on the radio.

"Is that where we're going?" I asked, my mouth agape. I see Jack nodding his head from the corner of my eye. I couldn't stop looking at the giant Farris Wheel getting bigger by the second. He brought me to a fair. 

"How did you know?" 

"I went on your Instagram," we both got out of the car and walked towards the entrance. 

"Stalker," I joke earning a small laugh fall from his lips, it made me do the same.

Jack paid for both of our tickets. I was so excited I headed towards the line of the ride that goes really fast in a circle. It has a few bumps and it goes backwards. 

"Are you forgetting something?" he asks jokingly, referring to himself.

"Sorry," I giggled. "I just haven't been to a fair in so long."

"I want to know more about you," he looked into my eyes. 

"What do you want to know?" I asked biting my bottom lip lightly. It's a nervous habit of mine. His eyes went to my lips then went back up to where they were before. 


"Well, I play the piano and I love to read. There isn't much to know about me." the line was moving so we took a few steps forward. "Your turn."

"Don't you already know everything about me?" he smirked, referring to the fact that I'm a fan. I lightly shoved him, making him laugh.

"I want to know the real you." I stood in front of him looking into his eyes. He sighed.

"I'm the same person I am on the internet. I know most people aren't, but I am. I don't like lying to my fans."

"But you pretended with Madison," I said without thinking. His eyes darkened slightly but then went back to their normal state. "I'm sorry I brought that up. I didn't mean to. Whatever happened between you and her is none of my business."

"It's okay. To be honest," he looked away, but quickly returned his gaze back on me. "Our relationship was toxic. She would always try to make me jealous and she would always get jealous of the girl friends that I have. Johnson would always tell me to end it, but I was blind and thought that I loved her."

"What made you realize all of that?" I asked curiously. I have a friend going through the same problem. She just hasn't realized it yet. We're always telling her to break up with him because they're not good for each other, but she doesn't want to. She says they're in love. We can't force her to do anything she doesn't want to do. 



"Yeah. People always say that if you're in love someone, you won't like anyone else . . . I never liked anyone else until I met you."

I didn't know what to say. Luckily the ride operator told us it was our turn to get on the ride. 

Sorry, it took me a while to update. I just didn't really have the motivation and I didn't know what to write about. I feel like I rushed everything, so I'm trying to slow things down. Thank you to whoever is reading this story. I was #3 on jackgilinsky and gilinsky. Now I'm #11 on jackgilinsky. Thank you again! -wendo

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