The Return :D

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Wwooooow Excited about the title of this post?! I AAAAAAAAAAAAM! It means two things! First: I'll be updating soon which means Fusion is returning haha and second tuntuntuuuuuuuuuuuun

As I said before there will be a sequel, a Second book and I already have a nameeeeeeee! Soooo IT WILL BE CALLED.... Confusion or (Con)Fusion, I'm still thinking about it but anyways the way it's pronounced is the same so hahaha okay it's not much of an amazing name but it's connected with Fusion in all the ways, you'll understand way when you read it hahah so that's it.

I'm really sorry I took more than a week without updating but I was really in a bad place, thank god I am better right now which doesn't mean I won't be coming back to the bad place again, depressions have these things... okay so I will try my best to update at least till sunday night, alright?! I hope you haven't forget about me and Fusion, I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH ♥

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