New York Pride 20BiTeen: AKA Will Solace Has No Self Preservation Skills

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Nico pulled closer to Will and looked up after a moment to see him fanning himself lightly.

"It's hot out here." Will explained, having to yell slightly to be heard over the music, seeing Nico's questioning look.

"It's June. In New York. The humidity today is straight out of Hades. What did you expect? Plus, wearing a long sleeve black shirt may not have been the best choice of outfit." Nico pointed out.

"It's mesh." Will countered. He knew Nico wasn't wrong, but the added body heat certainly wasn't helping. Nico usually wasn't  overly comfortable with PDA though, so Will tried his best not to pull away.

Nico looked like he was about to respond, but his jaw dropped as he looked back to the parade.

"OHMYGODSTHATSALYSSAEDWARDS!" Nico screeched indignantly.

Will pushed the sleeves of his shirt up and looked out into the crowd to see a drag queen riding by in a bright pink convertible.

"Am I a bad gay if I don't know who that is?" Will questioned.

"Yes." Nico said simply, still watching the convertible pass in awe.

Over the next hour or so, Will found he could pay less and less attention to the parade. It was getting a little hard to focus with all of the noise and visuals. He tried his best to stay present, but it was just so hot. He was still dripping with sweat, and his makeup had blurred into a puddle on his face.

By hour three, Will was starting to feel slightly nauseous. It was getting harder to conceal the cramping in his stomach and could feel a headache coming on. He was starting to feel like he might fall over if Nico wasn't holding him.

Will wanted to leave, but Nico was having so much fun and Will knew how much coming to his first Pride parade meant to him.

By hour four, Will could feel that he wasn't sweating anymore.

At hour five, Will felt the urge to pee. He leaned down to Nico's ear and mumbled something about finding a bathroom and walked away without waiting for a response.

Will looked around at the surrounding buildings. He walked towards a bar. It was still really hard to focus and Will could feel himself swaying as he walked. He just wanted to go home. He felt like he might be sick.

The next thing Will was aware of, he was in a bathroom. He was dizzy.

Everything was tinged a weird shade of orange. Almost like someone had turned the saturation up to high in a photo.

Completely without warning, Will pitched forward towards the toilet and threw up, nearly knocking himself out on the seat before weakly catching himself. There wasn't much in it. He couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten, but the bile burned his nose and throat.

Will sat down hard on the floor. He tried to get up, but couldn't find the strength. He leaned against the stall and found himself trying hard not to pass out.

Will couldn't seem to make his eyes focus on anything. Everything was spinning.

Something was wrong.

Will clung to that thought so hard it made his head hurt. He needed to tell Nico.

Everything felt too loud and too bright and Will couldn't focus, but he wrestled his phone out of his pocket and found Nico's name in his phone. With the world blinking in and out of focus, Will pressed call and held the phone to his ear.


Will thought he must be hallucinating somehow because he could hear his phone ringing, but he could also hear Nico's phone ringing with the ringtone set for Will.

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