Part 22 ♥

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You went home safely, with Greyson.

You went inside your house and Greyson went back to his.

Your Mom was calling you in your phone..

Your Mom: Hello, (YN)?

You: Yes Mom? Where are you?

Your Mom: Well, I'm here at the mall. I forgot to buy you some stuff for school.

You: Oh, thanks, Mom! How long have you been there?

Your Mom: Just 30 mins. About to go home. See you, sweetie.

You: Bye, Mom.

The call was ended, and you went to dining area to eat your snacks. You found your favorite: PANCAKES! w/ ice cream on top. Yum! You ate your pancake, and went upstairs to change your clothes and took a bath. Then, you did your homework, which is Math Algebra.

You: I actually hate Math! I don't like how you solve for x or y.

Then, you thought of Greyson, since you knew everything about him. You knew that he was good at math. You texted him to go online and chat.

You went online on your twitter account  "@(yourname)" and you tweeted Greyson "@greysonchance Hi Grey! Mind to help with my Math homework?"

Greyson tweeted you after 3 mins. "@(yourname) Sure, be there in a sec."

After, 10-15 mins, Greyson went to your house, to tutor you in Math. Later, then, he went back home after he tutored you. You thanked him and gave him a friendly hug goodnight.

Just, by the time he left, your Mom went back home.

You opened the door. Your Mom was carrying a lot of bags. Looks like she didn't just buy school stuff, you saw a huge box.

You: Mom? What did you buy?

Your mom: I bought you something special, honey. c'mon, open it!

You went to the couch and opened the box. You were so surprised, it was a new piano, and it's Yamaha!

You: WOW! Mom?! Why'd you buy me a piano?

Mom: Well, I figured, since you were so into Greyson...-

You: mom.

Your Mom: Kidding, just try it out...

You tried the piano and started playing your favorite piece and it was sounded pretty good.

Since, you and Greyson were neighbors, Greyson could hear the piano playing...



P.S. Hey, Guys! I'm so sorry for not updating the story. I was just too busy 'cause of school. So, hope you enjoy this scene. Thanks for understanding

A Chance For Love ♥ ImagineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon