Chapter 1

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Ana had been staring at the console for far too long. All the little buttons and twinkling lights made her head spin and her stomach turn, but she had to do this. She had to hold on to that thin string of life before collapsing in front of everyone and making a complete fool of herself.

I shouldn't have drank that much last night, she thought and rested her head on her hand while reaching with the other to grab the hot cup of tea. She carefully took a sip and felt the hot liquid burning her insides. That was good. Very good.

"Ana, are you ready?" a voice was heard as the door opened and Mike walked in holding a bottle of water and a stack of paperwork. Mike was actually Ana's cousin and more like a brother to her. Working together for the past 10 years had been a blessing.

"Yes, sure, let's do this", Ana whispered trying to shake off the spinning feeling.

"Yeah... not so good, huh?" he said and sat on the chair beside her putting down the papers he had brought in and giving her a sorry look.

Ana slowly turned to look at him with sleepy eyes and propped herself up bringing her right leg up to her chest and resting it on the chair.

"Nope, not at all" she groaned clearing her throat and resting her elbow on the chair's handle before letting her head fall back and closing her eyes.

Last night had been long and rough. Her cousin's birthday was not the fun and chilled out event she had been told to expect and much to her surprise her feelings had surfaced leading her to succumb to quite the drinking and dancing session of last night.

"Try and hold on," Mike said half absent-minded as he was looking through his papers and checking all the little buttons on the music console. "It's a big day today, especially for you..."

"Mhm.. is it now?" Ana replied jokingly.

"Of course! Miss Anastasia Mills finally gets her biggest job ever! And who knows? Maybe even something more.." Mike's eyes lit up with mischief and a grin appeared. He was a good friend, family and had stood by her side in difficult times and always tried to keep her upbeat and Ana couldn't be anything but grateful.

Ana smiled, took a deep breath and slowly massaged her temples with her fingers. She then ran her fingers through her long dark brown hair and taking another sip of her tea tried getting a grip with the reality she was about to face - doing her job.

It sure was going to be a big day today. She certainly had been preparing for this day for a couple of months now, even looking forward to it. Maybe her drinking spell last night had unconsciously been to calm her nerves for today's meeting. Queen, the world-known band and Freddie Mercury, the god himself, the legend, had chosen their music studio to record their new album. She couldn't wait for it all to happen. To see them all in action, being the first one to listen and tamper with the new songs no one else had ever heard, being at such a close distance to him and yet she secretly also wanted to be in bed..

But her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when a shadow appeared on her left, behind the glass door. A man, wearing tight blue jeans, aviator sunglasses and a black leather jacket.. Ana's breath was caught at the sight of him and her heart skipped several beats.

This would be quite the day...

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