"Who are you fighting?" Gabe asks, sneaking a sip of my coffee before Avery can shove him off.

"You, if you don't take your lips off my straw." He backs away and I make a sad face. "Gabriel, my locker is bullying me again. Do what you used to do and stick up for me."

He laughs, "I don't know, Letty, you've got a new school yard hero in your life. I'd hate to out shine him."

Pouting my lips, I hug him, "You're still my number one if you tear the door off this locker right now."

"Anything for you, but I draw the line at destruction of property." He offers, patting my head.

Punching his side I take my coffee back, "Loser."

"Hot momma!" Stella shouts as she and James join us, loud enough for the entire hall to look our way.

Before I can even get embarrassed Sage, Ella, and Zev walk up. Ella giving me an appreciative once over, "You look pretty."

Rolling my eyes, I start to get my things. A girl puts on dark green bell bottoms and a white sweater and the whole world will end. I may have let myself go but not that much. Not going to lie though, the sweater took me by surprise, it's the same one I wore on Ashton's visit to Alabama. "Thanks, Ash picked it out."

Ella turns to my brother, "Why can't you pick out cute clothes?"

Stopping mid bite of a strawberry sprinkled doughnut, he blinks. "Babe, all you have to do is ask."

She scans his starfish embroidered button up before bursting with laughter, "On second thought, I'm okay."

"Bro, you're making me look like a bad boyfriend." Sage protests as Ashton walks over to us.

"I second that." James adds, although we all know Stella wouldn't let him touch her clothing.

"Easy solution." Zev offers.

"Don't be in a relationship." Gabe finishes, the duo high giving while Avery nods her head in agreement.

Nodding my head, I pretend to not know about Gabe and Avery's Wednesday morning breakfasts.

Ashton sighs, pulling my back into his chest. "Sorry, boys, it's hard to live up to the best."

Oh, the arrogance. I flick his nose as the bell rings before wandering into my favorite class of the day, literature. "Good morning, Miss Miller." I call, awkwardly trying to maneuver to my seat with Ashton still latched onto me.

"Or should we say, future Mrs. Garcia?" Ashton clarifies, nodding to the rock on a certain finger. It's still crazy to think that Uncle John proposed not even a week ago. He took us all to New York for fall break and she was blindsided.

"Good morning, favorite students." She says, plugging her computer in.

"Aunt Mel, you're really gonna do me dirty like that?" Gabe protests as he plops into the seat in front of me.

"We've been over this, my name is Miss Miller," She reprimands firmly before smiling, "or future Mrs. Garcia, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8am and 3pm."

"Cool, I'm still your favorite though." Gabe says as class gets started.


"Scar!" Saffron cries, barreling towards me.

"Squirt, shouldn't you be in line?" I ask, pointing towards her teacher.

Ronnie joins us a few seconds later, tying her karate belt tighter. "We're on next, Dasher told me he's scared."

Saying a silent prayer as the girls giggle, I glance over at the little boy who more than willingly volunteered to be their dummy for the talent show. Saffron said it was his way of making up for the fact he's moving next month. A fact she assured me she wasn't sad about but I saw a few tears shed when she thought no one was watching. Second grade love, it might be deadly, but it's still sweet.

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