47~ Birthday

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"Everything appears to be in tip top shape, Scarlett. Honestly, you shouldn't have anything to worry about."

Dave goes over the plan for next week again. Monday is the interview. Tuesday is the house evaluation. By Friday we should have a court date. I lay back in the chair, feeling two years of stress slowly ease away.

Joe smiles at me, "The only thing you can do is wait and see how everything plays out."

I nod, getting out of my chair. There really is no reason to stay here, halfway out the door Dave stops me.

"Scarlett." He places a hand on my shoulder, "Happy Birthday."

I let the words register in my mind as he pulls me in for a hug. Technically, my birthday isn't until tomorrow but it still feels so surreal.


I drive with the radio off, not really feeling the need for music. My mind is enough to keep me occupied. I'm surprised to find Ashton waiting on my porch, a small smile working its way onto my face as I greet him.

"Hey, you know you could go inside." I tell him, peaking through the window just to double check that everyone is home. They are.

"I'm not here to stay, I know you guys need some alone time." He says, toeing the porch board.

Oh. I'm touched he wants to give me space but I'd never turn him away.

"But I wanted to see my girlfriend." He smiles down at me and fireworks go off in my chest. How did I ever get so lucky?

"You know, Mister McClain, after tomorrow you'll be dating an older woman." I tease, throwing my arms around his neck.

His birthday isn't until August. The one thing we had to do when transferring to Riverview was be held back a year. It sucked to repeat a grade but I'm thankful for the friends I have because of it.

Ashton shrugs, a glint in his eyes. "I know, it's kinda hot."

The fireworks continue as he picks me up, my legs wrapping around his torso. What an ass, but I can't help but smile against his lips. He sits down on the porch swing, resting my legs on either side of him. I study his face, the new scab on his lip and faint traces of bruising.

"I'm actually here for a reason." I raise my eyebrows. "I'm here to ask my girlfriend what she wants for her birthday."

I flick his nose, everyone has been harassing me all week to figure out what I want and the answer has been nothing.

I already have everything on this planet I could ever need. My family is happy and healthy. I have four more friends than I did a year ago. Most importantly, I have a boyfriend that means the world to me.

I'm set.

Tracing the bruise along his cheek, I sigh. "What I want is for tomorrow to be just like any other day. I want to turn 18. Celebrate Sage turning 17. Get custody of my siblings. And ride off into the sunset."

A very uneventful, secure sunset.

"Oh, and I suppose I could spare some time to be with you."

He smirks, "I think I can manage that."

I would certainly hope so but before I can say anything my thoughts are cut off by Ashton kissing me. I'd be content with a thousand birthday kisses instead of an actual gift.

Once he leaves I walk inside, finding the twins in the TV room.

"Thank God, I didn't think you two would ever stop sucking face." Silver says, pausing the TV.

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