32. Until Next Time

Start from the beginning

The boys nodded in acknowledgement and then it went silent again, the tension of the situation between me and Jungkook thick in the air.

But nobody commented further on it.

"Anyway, we heard you were a bit down today so we didn't only bring you your coffee, but we brought food, too," Jimin told me, gesturing to the bags.

"Yes, I brought you some muffins and scones. They're still warm," Jin smiled.

"And I brought you your favorite sandwich," Hoseok chimed, handing me the styrofoam box hiding the mentioned food inside.

I thanked them, propping up the food in my lap while I watched Jimin and Taehyung pull what looked like makeup brushes out of another plastic bag.

But upon further inspection, I realized that they were actually paintbrushes. The bottles of paint that Taehyung pulled out helped with that theory, too.

"Are we painting?" I asked.

I ripped off a piece of muffin and popped it in my mouth while I waited for him to answer me.

Mmm. The chocolate was warm and melted on my tongue like Jin promised.

"Yes, we thought it would be fun. And relaxing. Help get your mind off things." Taehyung nodded.

"Are those mini easels?" I leaned forward to get a better look, gasping at the discovery. "And mini canvases? Oh my god, these are adorable."

"Just like us," Jimin suggested, wiggling his eyebrows in a little eyebrow dance.

I snorted. "No, absolutely not."

Jimin feigned hurt as he held his chest like he'd been shot. Meanwhile, Jin passed out the canvases and easels while Taehyung began pouring paint onto little paper plates. Once Jimin recovered, he grabbed a handful of paintbrushes and handed me one from the bunch.

"What should I paint?" I asked for their opinions. I propped the easel and then set the canvas on top, realizing that my ideas were just as blank as the white canvas.

"I don't know about you," Jimin said with a malicious tone. "But I'm going to paint a huge banana. Maybe even an eggplant next."

I watched Jimin dive his paintbrush into the yellow paint, swirling it around until it was touching the other colors on the plate.

"I'm going to paint the bakery, if I can," Jin smiled, grabbing one of the plates to set next to his easel.

"I'll paint a sunset," Hoseok decided. He took the bottles of orange and yellow and squirted more of it on his plate.

"You should paint this place," Taehyung recommended. I contemplated the idea for a moment while he told me, "I'm going to paint the moment you kicked Yoongi into the wall when we were dolls."

I had taken another sip of my coffee a second before Taehyung said that, and so, I choked on my coffee until I spat it all over Jin.

"Sounds like a masterpiece," Hoseok loudly laughed, observing the spit-up coffee dripping down Jin's face. "Both the idea and the work of art Jin has become with coffee all over him. You were right, dude. Sure are worldwide handsome."

"I'm so sorry, Jin," I joined in the laughter while he used my sleeve to wipe off his face. "His comment caught me off guard."

"It's alright, Y/N. You'll just have to make it up to me."

With that, Jin dipped his fingers into the green paint and moved to swipe at my face before I could even process what he was doing.

I gasped, the contact of the cold paint coming into contact with my cheek and strands of my hair, making me want to yell in the most colorful language.

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