[ Blue ] [ Pt. 2 ]

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[ Keith's POV ]

" Okay, it's official, the mission starts later at 1600. You all got an hour to prepare. Let's get this done for the last time. "

I sighed from my seat as I stretched my arms to remove the facade of fatigue in them, waiting for the other Garrison troops and trainees to leave the other Paladins and I inside this hall.

" This fight is gonna be big, and once you connect to your lions, we're gonna have to do it fast and focused so the operation goes smoothly... " Shiro spoke with the most authoritative voice he can muster.

While the others and I were looking down to the table in front us, thinking whether if we can do this or not.

" But how are we gonna get through it? Surely there will be Galran ships and armadas that they will intercept with us just to stop our intent.. " Allura reasoned with doubt in her words.

" We're gonna let that stop us aren't we? " I smiled to them as they raised their heads with hope.

" Yeah..! Sendak has never stopped us before did he? I'm sure we're gonna get through this in the end.. " Lance smiled with hope in his words as he looked at everyone one of us.

My smile went wider when I saw the others react positively to the domino effect of what we did to raise their spirits.

" Okay, now that's decided, How's Luna? " Shiro turned his head to me in question of Luna's whereabouts.

My smile slightly began to disappear as I remembered Luna and the last state I saw her in.

" She's resting as we speak, I haven't got a word with Veronica yet if she already gained consciousness.. " I answered with a low voice, my voice portraying that I was worried for her. But I'm not the only one worried for her, Am I?

" I'm getting scared for Luna well being... I'm afraid that her power might be backfiring on her or maybe she's being bewitched.. either way, we have to do something... " Allura spoke with a strain in her voice that was the same as mine,

" Can she fight this time? I don't think we should allow her... we don't know what can happen to her, especially if she's the only left on her race that we don't know squat about.. it's dangerous for her... " Lance spoke as he stared down at his hands, gripping unto them as he remained frustrated.

Believe me, I am as frustrated as they are.

" I agree with Lance, there's gonna be a risk if we ever let her fight... " Hunk seconded with a worried glance.

Hell they are putting words in my head, and with those words, my worry and frustration for Luna's safety becomes more and more aggressive as we remain clueless in what's going on with her and what to do with it at the same time.

" Look, I don't want Luna to go in the battle field either, I want her to rest as much as possible. But we're gonna need her in this fight... " Shiro sighed as he ran his hands down in his face as frustration starts within him.

" And you're gonna have her there. "

My eyes widened at the voice I just heard, making me turn around so quick that my head spinned for a fraction of a second.

" L-Luna..! You should be resting..!! " Allura exclaimed, a second ahead of me.

" Are you sure you'll be alright out of bed rest? " I stood from my seat and was immediately at her side to help her get to one of the seats, or at least somewhere to lean to.

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