[ Reunion ]

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Episode 12; Best Laid plans

[Luna's POV]

After a few moments later after our little break, I took a deep breathe before I maintained my focus on getting this teludav in the air using my abilities.

" Okay, ready Luna?"

Shiro asked me,

" Ready" I answered,

Right now, we're about to take off from Olkarion,

By focusing solely to what I was supposed to do, I did just fine. Despite the tormenting of a certain Blue Paladin that kept challenging me to lift it to the air without even looking.

Although I wanted to give him a smack for that, but luckily, Keith did it for me instead. Which I laughed at and got Kolivan to scold me for a brief moment.

I sighed in exhaustion as I recalled the previous moments that had occurred not too long ago, now focusing on the issue at hand.

Shiro was about to do his part of the plan, which was to lure Zarkon's main ship to the teludav's area of effect.

And so, all we had to do here was to wait and get ready to engage. Not too long later, Shiro's voice came ringing from the communicator.

" Zarkon is on track, Get ready for the plan..." Shiro reported, his voice was calm and collected, just by that, we knew the plan was going smoothly from here.

Now that Zarkon found his location, he sent fighters to go all over him which he dealt with ease.

" But my Father still hasn't shut down the system... " I muttered in slight nervousness, there's something wrong.

" You don't think something have happened to him right? " Slav said worringly, calculating every possible reason in his head.

" He could've been captured" Antok guessed with venom in his voice.

I knocked that thought in my head the moment it left Antok's lips.

" Or killed, We need to abort the mission at once" Kolivan said, turning to Allura as he demanded.

My chest felt like it was being flattened by some unknown force. It hurt. So much, I cannot breathe.

I shook my head and took a deep ragged breathe as I put my focus on the more pressing issue in front if me,

" No! I'm not leaving my Father there! We have to do this now." I said and faced Kolivan,

" If we stop now, All our efforts are for nothing! " Allura seconded my actions.

" The Blade of Marmora doesn't take any chances, That's why we've survived for this long. You knew more than anyone what risks we were putting at stake here, Luna. " Antok argued, looking at me in expectation with a slightly raised voice.

I gritted my teeth as I thought of something to do.

" Besides, it's too late to get someone inside by now" Kolivan said, declaring defeat to all of us, relaying a secondary plan of action, which was retreating.

No.. There's no way I can't accept this..

" Then I'll go! I'm Galran so I can interact with their tech, And I know that place better than anyone in here. I will go, no questions asked. " I said, confident for my chances.

Then once I'm in, I'll get my Father out as well..

" What? Princess, You can't get inside there..!! Remember, you can't use your magic inside the base because of the crystal, you can't maneuver out there..! " Antok raised his voice more, obviously against the idea I was proposing.

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