[ Blue ]

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Episode 9; Know your Enemy
Episode 10; Heart of a lion
Episode 11; Trial by fire


[ Luna's POV ]

After my training session with the rest of the Garrison trainees, I was unable to remember on what happened exactly except for the fact that my head was aching badly as I laid on a white infirmary bed.

If it wasn't for Veronica's voice, I wouldn't be able to react that I can wake up any moment.

Once I heard her voice, my eyelids shot open as my body instinctively sat up from the comforts of the white I once laid on just a tick earlier.

And when I sat up, I happen to catch her expression before she heard me wake up from my slumber.

Her eyes was filled with relief as her lips had a ghost of a smile in them as if she had just heard the most wonderful news she has heard all they long.

" Spill. " I demanded as I felt a hunch in my stomach that I need to get out of the infirmary and run outside where everyone is, I assume.

" They're here... "

And once she spoke, my heart clenched as I was overcome with the eagerness to see them again after I left them a couple of days ago.

Once I made up my mind, I needlessly pulled out the line that was connected to my wrist, which had a questioning needle, as if the pain from them is nothing.

Then standing up from this pitiful bed to try and march my way out of the building I am in just to see their faces again.

" L-Luna..! You shouldn't be moving at pace like this..! " Veronica worriedly exclaimed as she held both of my shoulders to slow me down, but it didn't stop me.

" Veronica, Please, I need to get up there, besides, your brother is also there, We can just go there together if it eases you much from my burden.. " I spoke with desperation in my voice that I never knew I had, especially when I've never been desperate ever since Keith and I went on a distance from each other.

But now, it is to reunite my presence with them, with him unlike from the past.

Once Veronica finally agreed to my brilliant idea, she ushered and supported my body to be able to reach the front entrance of the Garrison's base, seeing that there was so many people there including some familiar faces that I can't help but be glad to see.

As Veronica ran to her brother and family, I only smiled in relief as I saw them all safe and sound, especially when they finally got to be reunited with their families.

Not until someone finally noticed my presence and didn't waste any tick to run to my side, or rather me I suppose.

I was met with Cosmo as he showered me with licks that I would probably wash quickly, then it was Allura to embrace me next as I sat up, but the next thing I know, I was tackled to the ground as I saw all of them trying to take their turn for either scolding me or telling their reliefs.

I didn't even had the time to think about anything so that must be why I was already crying, not believing myself especially when I said I have to stop crying so fast.

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