[ Date with destiny ]

441 17 0

Oh god here it comes..

I hope this works out..

God light my way to do this chapter...


Episode 7; The Legends begin.

[Luna's POV]

I sighed as I pilot the pod of the Castle of Lions to the certain coordinates, debating over myself whether this was the right decision to make or not by last minute.

I was already on my way to meet lotor with the device containing his coordinates in my hand, gripped tight.

I know the others trusted me in doing this task I have in my mind, but even with that fact, I can't even begin to fathom whether I can or not do the task in the first place.

Lotor has been an important person in my past, I may not remember all of it but the way I am feeling right now vouches for it just enough for me to tell.

But if I am going to do this, then it means I'll be turning my back against those times. And..... Somehow I don't want that.

Still in confusion, I straightened myself and went down from my pod after landing 5 quintants later.

Walking straight to the Galran battleship waiting in the horizon, as I approach it, I saw Zethrid and Narti guarding the entrance.

" Princess, You really came.. " Zethrid said, surprised written across her face. " I see you're still that girl who has too much heart on her will..." She scoffs a smirk before leading me inside.m the ship.

" Some things never change, huh... " I muttered behind a small smile that appeared on my lips.

I walked in without them stopping me,

And walked straight in a hallway, steadying my breathing along the way as I tried my best to remain calm as long as possible.

When I finally reached the end of the hallway, I first took a deep breathe before pushing the button that lets the door slide with a brief sound of the hiss of machinery. Revealing Lotor in the middle of the ship, in a seat that can only be a throne.

" Stardust... You came... " A gentle smile comes to his lips as gladness washed his expression, as if he really wished that I would come. At first, he stands from his throne as if he wanted to run and approach me before I can come to his side of the room.

But he pauses and stops himself for a reason before deciding to simply stand there, to wait for me to get there myself.

The moment I stepped in front of him, his blue eyes became more clearer as they shine with irresistible luster.

" Hey... " I greeted with sudden nervousness, making my cheeks involuntarily turn pink, making me hope Lotor did not see it as I try to hide it with my hair.

" Hi... " He smiles lovingly despite the previous encounters we've had, as if we were back when it was just... Us.

Damn it, Luna. Focus. You're supposed to kill him right?

As I heard Nocturne's voice, I snapped my thoughts back in order and avoid eye contact for a second before turning back around to look Lotor in the eyes once again with a new determination to get through this.

" If you are here to do the same thing you ordered Acxa and the others, it doesn't matter, my mind won't change.." I declared as I tried to keep myself together. My hand ready to move to my dagger as soon as I see the chance.

And considering his reaction, he had probably predicted that I would be as hard headed to my decision like this.

" I had predicted you would say that but... Please, stardust, I failed my promise before that I would keep you safe, but... " He says, taking a pained step closer to me. " The day they took me away from you... All I could do was watch helplessly when I lost consciousness as they did started attacking your home... " A pained look spreads across his face as he recalled his memories.

For some reason, my heart can't take this.

" I'm not letting that happen again, come back to me, love. I can't lose you again. Not after that. " He says as he took another step forward to extend a hand to reach my face. His hands caressed my cheeks as if it would easily break. His eyes looking deep into mine's with nothing but hope and love in them.

I bit my lip as I swallowed hard as I tried to control my emotions, I can't afford to be bent through this, through his words.

" Stop it...." I muttered as I tried to suppress my emotions deep down.

I shouldn't be deceived... Through his feelings when I don't even know if he still feels the same or is just using me to go against the others...

" Luna.." He mutters in surprise as I raise my head to face him with a tear falling down, striking across my face.

" Stop it.!" I shouted before drawing my dagger and fought my way.

He retaliated and guards himself with a blade from wherever he hid one, parrying my attack just in time.

But as if time slowed down, when my blade slides down when he parried, there was a sad look in his eyes as if he knew exactly what I was feeling.

Stop it.

I jumped backwards and kicked myself off the ground to boost me back to his direction, my dagger steady in my hands as I lunged at him with full force, using my magic to unable him from moving to evade.

The moment I collided with him, we toppled down, his back in the floor as I remained above him with my dagger aimed at his throat. The dagger was above him.

Why aren't I stabbing it to him...?

My hair hung down and reached his purple cheeks as I remained over him with my dagger hovering over his throat.

Why am I not killing him..?

A tear fell on his cheek, falling from my eyes as I tried to swallow the thought of me ending his life myself.

" You're beautiful.." He says after wiping the tear stain from my eyes. While I, tried to snap out of it and shook his hand away and tried to plunge the knife down once again, only to stop midair once again.

Why can't I do it....

" What are you doing to me... " I muttered in a silent sob as I felt my heart ache than it has never been before.

My hand on my dagger wavers and transforms back into its small blade and falls beside us.

Both of my hands trembled and landed on Lotor's chest as I wondered why was I like this out of all times.

" I love you, my stardust." He says lovingly as he gazed up to me from the ground. Slowly sitting up with ease despite my weight over him. His chest getting closer and closer to mine.

" I would like to wonder... If you still love me as well..." He wonders in a hushed voice right beside my ear before glancing one last time to my eyes before closing our distance.

And yet all I can do was watch, stunned by all the thoughts that had flooded before Lotor's lips touched mine.

The moment our lips met, all of the thoughts stopped and unable me to do anything else. As if my lips has long awaited the taste of his lips on mine once again.

Our kiss lingers longer than I had thought it would as he raises a hand to my cheek, but that was as far as it went as I mind went on alert, this was wrong, this was very wrong.

In realization, I pulled away abruptly and pushed myself away from the man I had loved in my past.

Luna, stop this...!

" No... I can't... I.. " I silently mutter to myself as an answer to Nocturne's voice. I can't... I can't... kill him.

" Luna, please... " He pleaded with a look of desperation on his face, making my stomach churn in the most unpleasant way. I can't do this. I can't do this to him. I can't do this to everyone else back home.

Tears flooded my eyes as confusion flooded me as my vision was hazed.

Kolivan was right... My emotions will be my downfall.

" Wait-- No! Luna! " Lotor's panicked voice snaps me out of my dilemma, making my eyes dart over him with sudden concern on my expression.

The last thing I saw was his eyes overfilled with worry before my body submerged into immense pain. Purple light surrounded my every being before I lost my consciousness.

[ 3rd Person ]

" No! Luna, stardust... " Lotor runs to catch Luna's unconscious body before it meets the floor, his arms embraced her as he raised his hands to her cheeks, seeing her pained expression still seen despite losing consciousness.

" What did you do... You dare...! " Lotor hissed at the person in front of him with his voice full of venom. " You dare to get in our way again! " His eyes glare daggers.

" It appears my thoughts are just right... I knew it... " The person behind this, groans lightly as they look down to Lotor and Luna with anger in their eyes.
" This again? This has got you away from the empire your Father has left to your care?! " Haggar shouts as she hiss in disgust to the woman that the Emperor protem has been holding in his arms.

" You have no right to my affairs, witch. " He spits another insult before holding tightly to Luna as if he already knew that they would take her away, again. " You wouldn't have the problem of me on prioritizing what I want if you hadn't taken her away from me long ago, I won't lose her to you again. "

" Then you're a fool to believe that I will let you do as you want... " Haggar glares at the prince, her anger emitting from her magic as it grew even more, believing that Luna is a threat not only from the power she possess but by being a diversion for Lotor to fulfill his duty as an Emperor Protem.

" Take him away " Haggar orders the hidden druids around them.

" No--! " Lotor shouts in resistance but on cue, the druids appears from Lotor's shadow and grabbed both of his arms. Before he can retaliate, the shadows embrace his and took him away, leaving Luna in the cold floor.

" Lotor! " Acxa calls out before Lotor got taken to the shadows, she grunts and looks at Luna before her worry grew even more. " Get Luna! " She says to Zethrid and the others as she started running towards the princess.

" I know! " Zethrid grunts as she starts charging towards where Luna was.
" We can't let the witch take her! " Ezor says as well with a concerned voice.

Haggar only glances to them before more druids took them to the shadows as well, Acxa struggles the most and lands on the ground as she tried to jump away from the druid.

" No! Luna! Luna! " She calls for the neogetian to wake her up, but to no avail, it fell on no ears before the shadows took her where Lotor and the others are as well.

After all interruptions has been dealt with, Haggar looks at the female in front of her, looking at her with mixed emotions battling inside her chest.

" You once said you love my son... And yet you can't even take his side without thinking twice... " She growls at the unconsciousness. " He needs to wake up from his infatuation on you. To do that, you have to disappear... " She says as purple crackles gather on her palm, and when it finally grows enough, it zaps the neogetian, that was when piercing screams filled the room.

" But killing you is a waste... your quintessence is far too pure to be thrown away. " The witch mutters as she finally sees strands of Luna's blue quintessence being sucked away.

As she continues to do so, a druid stands beside them, opening a small hole as if an oblivion, but its purpose is to make Lotor hear all that has been happening to his beloved as she screamed in pain.

" This will always be the result every time you try and do this again reunion of yours. Embed it to your mind, stop pursuing this wench! " She says out loud for the white haired Prince to hear. " If you don't, then the pain she will have to endure is none other than your doing.."

" Stop... Stop it! " Lotor shouts from the other side, his voice mixed with anger and worry. But to no avail, Luna's screams continues to fill the room and his ears.

Not until something sinister starts from Luna's shadow.

A red shone and stopped Haggar's power from draining Luna's, a bright crimson barrier surrounds her body despite being unconscious. Haggar can only look shocked and awe on what was happening.

" She shouldn't be able to move... What is happening?! " Haggar panics before a dark silhouette emerges from Luna's shadow down below. Similar to Luna's nocturne form, its crimson eyes shone as it glared daggers at none other than Haggar.

" You'll regret this... " Nocturne's distorted voice answers before gathering energy upon her palm, then crushing it as she formed a fist, making a red sudden shockwave flow through every side of the room. In fear, Haggar and her druids flees to the shadows and back to their ship.

When the rest are done, Nocturne's silhouette figure disappears and reveals a body, a girl exactly the same as Luna's. Their only difference was her eyes were crimson red while her hair had red colored tips.

" It's alright for now, it's over, rest easy. " Nocturne says to the unconscious Luna and starts healing her using magic as well.

[ Nocturne's POV]


Why is it so dark...?

Why am I alone in here..?

" Hello? "

I called out in a mellow voice,

" Who are you? "

A girl with black hair and blue eyes appeared before me..

We look... The same...

Well, except for the eyes.. Hers is blue, mine is red,

" Wow... You look just like me..! " The girl said, amazed,

" Who are you? " I asked, walking near her,

" I'm Luna, What's your name?" She asked me as she beamed,

What IS my name..?

" I don't have one.. " I answered nervously to the girl,

" Can I give you one? " She asked while chuckling,

This girl is suprisingly cheerful...

" What name is it? " I asked, getting attached to the girl,

" Ok... Your name will be... Lina! Your name will be Lina! " She said and smiled widely,


" Why Lina...? " I asked,

" Because you look just like me, since I'm Luna, You'll be Lina, we're gonna be like twins! "She beamed more,

" Lina... I like it! " I smiled just like her,

I remember now...

I guess both of us had our memories forgotten when her Mom did this to her,

I also forgot it..

Now, All she knows is that I'm Nocturne...

And I even tried to act cold to her..

*chuckles* I'm gonna get you out of here... Sister...

[ Present ]

Both of the girls remain there until Luna regains her consciousness back,

But on the other hand, Lotor also had panic in his expression as he can't comprehend what ever happened on the other side.

" That sounded like Luna's Nocturne, could she actually be safe back there? " Ezor sighs in confusion before looking at Acxa and the others.

" But how? She was unconscious... The last thing I know is that she needs an immense amount of energy to use it... " Acxa tries to answer her teammates question, running thoughts wild on her mind to try and get slight an idea,

" No... That wasn't Luna. " Lotor speaks from the other side of the wall.

" How come then? " Zethrid crosses her arms from beside Ezor as she rest her back in the wall.

" Like the witch had said, she shouldn't be able to cast magic let alone move, I fear this maybe what Luna's mother had feared long ago.. " Lotor says in a grave voice. " Start all preparations, we're going back in there, we can't leave Luna there... " He says as his voice was filled with worry unlike his usual calm and collected demeanor.

Acxa sighs at his determination to go after Luna despite everything that has happened. " Yes sir. " She responds to the command before following her Prince along with the rest of his generals.



[ Re-edited: 8/24/21 ]

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