Need helppppp😭

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I know I updated yesterday but here's the deal..

You see, I'm still starting out on drawing and sketching so I'm not yet skilled,

So, I came up with an idea~

My dear readers, If you can, please draw this:

Keith and Luna together.

You already know how Keith looks like, you can decide which clothes or armor he has on,

And I already described Luna so you can try and draw her based on your imagination~

You can choose how the situation is planned, just remember that the key idea is Keith and Luna together,

I'm gonna pick 3 best drawings and a prize will be given:

1st Prize:

50 votes on any of your books if you'd like, and maybe I can share your books to my friends if you'd like, they are quite readers..

2nd Prize:

40 votes on any of your books.

3rd Prize:

30 votes and books,

And you're all lucky and I loved your book, I'd love to read it on and on.

I know I sound cocky and ,too high and mighty...

Sorry, But I just wanna see how my readers sees what I see,

I want to feel the joy of seeing your readers express their imagination from mines.

And so, If you'd like, go on and if you want me to see it,

Publish it on your given book and just mention me,

Or maybe send the pic to my email:

And just say what is your wattpad name so I could check it out if ever anything comes up,

Okay, Thank you guys very much and I'd really love it if you guys take up my offer~

That's all and I'll see you all~

Voltron: His Reverie (KeithXOC)Where stories live. Discover now