The Resurfaced Rose

Start from the beginning

Deidara: From what I've heard, that ties into Itachi and Kisame's mission, hn.

Y/N: Ehh, I'm not gonna dwell on that. It doesn't concern me, unless I'm called to help. I won't worry about it.

Konan: Deidara! Get over here and start dinner!

Deidara: Hn, fine.

     Deidara got up and walked into the kitchen..... more like Konan dragged him in there. Y/N stood up and headed over to the couch, sitting down he looked at what was on. It was the sales channel.

Y/N: You actually like this stuff?

Kakazu: Yes.

Y/N: Ehhh, not surprised with how much you care about money.

Kakazu: You can watch or you can leave, but if you change the channel. I'll kill you.

Y/N: You need to relax, its just a TV channel. Also, what happened to Hidan?

Kakazu: He wouldn't shut up, put the rest together.

Y/N: Yeah I can't watch this crap. I'm gonna go meditate.

     Y/N got up from the couch and exited the base using a Teleportation Jutsu. Once in a quiet place, he sat down in a criss-cross position and closed his eyes. Clearing his mind.

Flashback- 3 Years Earlier

     The 16 year old rogue nin followed Pein into the Akatsuki's current base. Once inside he saw 8 other people, wearing the same cloaks as Pein. They all turned and their gazes immediately fell on Y/N.

Pein: Everyone, this is Y/N Rose. The newest member of the Akatsuki.

     Y/N met each of the different Akatsuki members. The greetings stopped once Pein walked foward, holding an Akatsuki cloak and a black ring, that had the kanji for "10" on it.

Pein: Y/N, this cloak and ring prove your allegiance to the organization. Once you put these on, you will be an official member.

     Y/N nodded and took the cloak and put it on. He then took the ring and slipped it onto his left pinky.

Pein: Welcome Y/N Rose. You are now, one of us.

Present Day

     Y/N reopened his eyes and began the walk back to the base. Once he got back, he saw the other members already sitting at the table. Waiting for Deidara to finish the food. He took his respective seat next to Cross.

Cross: Where'd you go?

Y/N: To meditate. Kakazu was watching the sales channel and I didn't want to watch that.

Cross: Hmmm, yeah. Anyway Kisame and Itachi have already left.

Y/N: Seriously, they just got their mission like 3 hours ago.

Hidan: That's what I said!

Kakazu: Stop yelling Hidan or I'll kill you.

Hidan: I like to you try Kakazu!

     Konan shot Hidan a bone chilling glare and he shut up immediately. In fact everyone went silently as Deidara walked over with the food. It was simply grilled meat, alongside some curry. It was nothing too fancy, but somehow Deidara made it better than it looked. Everyone ate in silence until Pein broke said silence.

Pein: We are not done yet. Right now, Vale is weak and vulnerable. We will take advantage of that. Deidara, Cross, you two will be placed with each other for the time being and you will go back to Vale and take control of it. If Ozpin refuses again, crush him and torture him until he breaks.

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