Chapter 4 : V.I.P

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Chapter 4


James Chetty


'Hey.' I typed into the chat and then leaned back to wait.

"Dude what are you doing?" Jacob asked as he peeked over my shoulder to look at my laptop.

"None of your business." I swatted him away and shielded my laptop away from his nosey gaze.

"Fangbook..." he read and laughed.

"What the hell is that?" he asked me as I quickly exited the website.

"Nothing," I said quickly and woke up. I mean I didn't want to tell him about a website I found will looking through Lucas's emails.

Lucas was kind of a taboo topic, especially around Jane. "You're a shit liar." He deadpanned.

"No, I'm not," I argued, I really was but how else was I going to get him off my case.


The third point of view


"Looks like lover boy is trying to get a hold of you." Lucas scoffed as he looked over to her laptop which was left open.

"He isn't  lover boy, I haven't even met him officially." She rolled her eyes while retreating further into the blanket.

"Yeah but I know you'll meet him soon enough and from there he'll fall in love with you. It's hard not to." He muttered practically confessing his love for her.

"Lucas, it's 3 in the day, my brain can't function properly." She muttered as the sun licked at her bare legs but she was avoiding the declaration of love from him.

Just as he noticed the sun kissing her fair skin he awoke and fixed the blanket and then returned to bed.

"Why are you so interested in him?" he asked.

"Shh, go to sleep, you've kept me awake long enough." She said avoiding yet another question.

Before he could say something else she flipped them over so that she was on top of him. "Listen, Lucas, I don't have to explain myself to you or anyone else. I think you have forgotten who's in charge here. I don't have to jog your memory, do I?" she asked as she let out a menacing hiss. she was starting to get irritated by his relentless nosiness.

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