Chapter 8

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"Yeah, two mint chocolate fudge sundaes and one, which kind you said you wanted?" I asked Messiah

"Banana." He replied while playing on his Nintendo switch.

"And a Banana sundae." I said

"Will that be all for you?" The cashier asked

"Yes, thank you."

"Okay, your total is $14.65, cash or card?"

"Cash." I replied and begin rambling through my
purse to grab my wallet.

I pulled out the exact amount and passed the money over to her.

"Are these your kids?" She asked while putting the money into the register.

I smiled, "Yes, they are," I said while proudly glancing at them both.

"They're adorable." She smiled as she handed over my receipt.

I thanked her and waited for her to prepare our ice cream.

She passed over each of the sundaes and the kids and I went and sat in a booth near a window.

The entire time we ate our sundaes, Milani kicked her legs and Messiah played on his Nintendo.

"So, kids..." I smiled

"Tell me, what has been going on at home? Everything alright? How has your father been?" I asked

"Daddy is alright, he makes me mad sometimes because he never takes our side when Rachel is yelling at us, but he's alright." Milani shrugged while still focusing on her ice cream.

"What do you mean by he doesn't take your side? What does he say?"

She sighed, "When we try to defend ourselves he just tells us that we should stop talking back and to listen." Milani said

I glanced at Messiah, who I could tell was listening but chose to put his focus onto his game.

"What do you have to say about this, Messiah? Do you agree?"

"Yeah." He said without looking up

I felt Milani try to kick Messiah under the table, "What?" Messiah asked, with a bit of attitude

"Tell her." Milani said

"Tell her, tell her what Rachel does."

"Messiah, you know you can tell me anything." I said and rubbed his hand

He continued to pay attention to his game. I grabbed it from his hand and put it on the side of Milani and I.

He sighed, "Remember when I called you the other night and I was telling you about how she takes advantage of the fact that dad is gone and what she does when he's gone?" He asked me

I nodded, "Well, a lot of times she gets mad because Milani and I don't listen. I mean, we don't curse her out or do bad stuff but she likes to control us when dad isn't around, she yells at us for stupid stuff like not throwing something away that isn't even ours, and she makes us do everything for her whether it's coming downstairs to rub her feet, or washing her car, then she puts us on punishment if we make her too mad..." he said

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