Chapter 3

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"Who's the daddy?" I asked

She sat there with her mouth partially opened, "Really, Chris?! Who else would be the father?" She asked

I shrugged, "I don't know, Rachel, but okay congratulations, thanks for telling me but now isn't the time. I have a lot on my mind."

"Okay, I'll leave you to what ever it is bothering you." She said and stood up

She walked towards the door then stopped and turned around, "I hope this isn't about Kyra. I'm not trying to sound heartless but, it is the right thing to do. The longer you hold on, the more she and everyone else is suffering. Just let her go." She said and left out.

I didn't wanna hear that, but I needed to. Rachel can be a bit of help at times.. not enough help though, she has too many dumb moments. I honestly don't know what possessed me into marrying her, I think I wanted to fill a void and it's truthfully still not fulfilled.

I sighed and got off of the bed and went to go take a hot shower, I need to clear my head.

2 week later


I sat in bed, awake. Not like my eyes were opened. but my brain was active.

My thigh itched, I hate moments like this because I can't reach it. Or move to scratch it for that matter. I always try but nothing happens. It's like sleep paralysis.

The itch was killing me, I attempted a movement anyway, though I figured I wouldn't, but I did!

I can move!

It was very slow and slight, but I did.

If I can move then what else can I do? Can I fly?

I attempted the eye opening thing again. I swear it felt as if a weight was lifted from my eye lids because they popped open, not popped literally but slowly.

The light was so sensitive to my eyes, I felt like the actual sun was over my eyes. Where am I? I'm assuming a hospital, but it could be my bedroom.
I'm confused.

I wasn't this confused asleep.

I attempted to sit up but now I'm just doing too much. I have to take it easy, I need to crawl before I can walk again.

I looked around after my eyes finally adjusted to the lighting. My vision was blurry but I could make out a few things. There were balloons everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Some looked deflated, but some appeared to be new. I seen colorful flowers, it was like a dream or something. But I gained the energy to pinch myself, so it wasn't.

I heard footsteps walking towards the door, I allowed my eyes to follow the sound until the person appeared. It was a doctor.

He walked in with his head in his clipboard, and another doctor followed behind.

"Tomorrow is the day we're pulling the plug. All payments will be finalized, and the last payment will be submitted." He said as he still walked towards my bed

"I need to get her final vitals and temperature and things." He added

Pull the plug? So who decided to let me go? They didn't wanna fight anymore? Why not when I held on just for them? Whoever them is.

"Doctor..." the other doctor behind him said while lightly tapping his shoulder, he stared at me with major confusion.

"Yeah?" He turned around and asked

The other doctor pointed at me repeatedly with his index finger, "She's.. she's awake." He said

The first doctor turned around so quick and stared at me in confusion.

Awake || Chris Brown Story Where stories live. Discover now