{15}: Going Home.

Start from the beginning

Dear Anoesjka and Demi,

So by the time you read this, I will be gone. My parents are shipping me back off to Korea. They can't handle living with me anymore, I'll be staying with my uncle and aunt until I'm twenty one.

I guess I'm just writing this to say thank you, I know it isn't the end of our friendship but it's like I said last night, we'll become distant once I'm over there... So thank you for all the good memories, thanks for sticking by me when other people would've run a mile, thank you for being the sisters I never had, thank you for loving me unconditionally, even through my weirdness. You girls will never know what you mean to me, you'll never understand the love I have for you. You've both always been so good to me, I appreciate you both so much for that. Also, thank you for helping me to better my English, I know I wasn't great at it when I first arrived here in America haha.

I'm gonna miss you girls like crazy, just don't forget about me okay?! And keep those boys in line, don't forget to keep smiling, don't let anyone get away with hurting you and for the love of God, always, always look out for each others.

Love you guys like siblings! See you both in two years.

Ciao for now,

Becky xx

I wiped away the stray tears that'd fallen before they had chance to fall on the page before folding the paper and placing it into an envelope, I scribbled their names on the top of it before grabbing another sheet of paper and beginning to write a letter to the boys.

Dear BTS,

By the time you guys read this I'll probably be long gone, I'm moving back to Korea at my mother's demands but I needed to write to you guys before I left.

Taehyung, you cute bandana wearing son of a bitch. Thank you for being Demi's best friend, thank you for taking care of her when Jungkook is unable to. Thank you for making us all laugh with your ridiculousness. Keep smiling Taehyung.

Jungkook, thank you for becoming the friend I never knew I needed. In the last few months I've needed my friends around and you were always there, I never told you how much I appreciated that. Please look after Demi for me, won't ya? She might not seem it but she's quite an emotional one, she just doesn't show it often. Keep being the cute little baby you are, JK.

Yoongi, thank you for making my girl happy! It's about time you revealed your true feelings and since you have, Anoesjka hasn't stopped smiling. Demi and I have been dying to see you guys that happy for YEARS! Keep making her happy, please?! She deserves it more than anyone I know. I also wanna thank you for being a good friend to me these past few months, you da best!

Hoseok, we never really talked much but you're so adorable. Thank you for always being so energetic and getting us all in a happy mood with nothing more than just a laugh. I also wanna thank you for becoming Anoesjka's best friend, we know she appreciates it and so do I. Please be there for her when Yoongi can't be. And keep smiling, ya cute bean.

Namjoon, you adorable human! None of this would've happened without you. It'd still just be me and the girls featuring JK and Yoongi popping up every now and then. If it wasn't for you giving that dare then I never would've made friends with any of you boys. I guess the dare was a good thing... Or at least part of it was hah! Keep smiling Namjoon, thank you for being my best friend. I adore you so much, always keep smiling boo.

Seokjin, where do I begin with you?! Thank you so much for sticking around. You're a true friend Jin. I adore you so damn much. Keep telling those stupid 'dad jokes' of yours, babe. You're one of the sweetest guys I've ever met. I love you so much, honestly. Thank you for being the best guy friend a girl could ask for. I love you.

And lastly, Jimin... Thank you for EVERYTHING. Not just this year but when we were kids too. You've always been there for me, always put my needs before your own, always loved me for who I am. I have always loved you Jimin, you were my rock back in Korea and you were my rock this year too. Keep smiling, my gorgeous boy. Keep showing the world that beautiful smile of yours because it deserves to shown off. I love you so much Jimin and I know I haven't shown it much this month but hurt does a lot to people. You will always be my first love Park Jimin, thank you for being the cute soul that you are. I love you bunches.

Goodbye guys, please look after my girls, they're gonna need you! I love you all so much, thank you all for befriending a loser like me. See you in two years fellas.

Becky xx

I then folded that up and placed it in an envelope before scribbling their names on the top of it. I then picked up the two envelopes and began heading down the stairs, "I just need to post these letters and then I'll be ready." I said dryly as I wiped my eyes. I then left the house and began walking down the street, I posted the letter addressed to Demi and Anoesjka through Anoesjka's letterbox before leaving her garden; taking one last glance over my shoulder at her yard. I then continued down the street and stopped outside of Jimin's house, his mom was in the garden sorting the flowers out, "Hi Rebecca, hunny. Is everything okay?" She asked. "I have a letter for Jimin and the boys..." I told her. "Oh just go in and place it on his bed, he should be home soon." She told me with a smile. I nodded and headed into the house, I walked up to his room and placed the letter on his bed before heading down the stairs and leaving the house, "You okay hunny?" His mom asked. I nodded and forced a smile, "I have to go, goodbye Mrs Park." I said before leaving the garden and heading back towards my house where my aunt and uncle were now waiting by the car. I hugged my brother tight and he kissed my cheek, "I love you little sis." He said. "I love you too, oppa." I replied before hugging my parents. "Bye." I mumbled simply before climbing into the back of my uncles car. "Goodbye Molly." My uncle said as he hugged his sister. He then climbed into the car with my aunt and began driving away.

As we drove we passed Namjoon's house, I stared out of the window to see everyone piling out of the door with smiles gracing their faces, I watched them before they disappeared from sight as my uncle continued to drive. I rested my head against the window and let my tears fall as we headed towards the airport.

We met my Uncle Tom at the airport, we climbed out of the car and my aunt and Uncle Lou grabbed all my bags before Lou gave Tom the car keys, "Scratch her, I'll kill you." He told his younger brother. "I won't." Tom rolled his eyes before quickly kissing my forehead and climbing into the car. I watched him drive away whilst my uncle and aunt went to get tickets and put my bags through. I shifted on my feet as I hesitantly checked my phone, nothing had been received yet so they probably hadn't seen the letters yet.

My uncle soon reappeared with my aunt, both of them were now empty handed as they smiled at me, "We're ready to go." Lou said. I slowly nodded and followed him into the airport. We headed towards the right gate and began boarding the flight as I turned my phone on to flight mode and grabbed my earphones from my pocket, we took our seats; me by the window, my aunt in the middle and my uncle in the aisle seat. I listened to the flight attendant talk for some time before the plane finally set off, I placed my earphones in and rested my head against the window, 'Goodbye America...' I thought as I tried to hold back the tears that felt like they were about to fall once again.

A/N ~ Oooof! Plot twist! 😲 I'm sorry that this is kind of a sad chapter. I hope y'all enjoy it regardless though! Vote and comment if you did 😇

Much love, JiminsPrincesca 💖

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