Take me to him!

872 19 4

Serena's POV

What was the point in even living anymore, Ash was gone, and I couldn't be with him. I had to have a fresh start, to save me from the guilt of me kind of killing him. I was no longer able to see the rooftop, that damned rooftop. "So now, dear, how about that fresh start?" Xerneas said calmly.

"Fine, but only if you bring Ash back!" I could barely say that. I would never get over it.
"I'm sorry, but I can't do it..." replied Xerneas.

Next thing I knew I was back in my house, Xerneas nowhere to be seen. Might as well continue with my life.

I walked slowly downstairs, I was expecting no one to be home, when I heard sobbing. It was Ash's mom, with mine. I could make out. "He's seriously injured... small chance he'll live." I sprinted towards my mom and started crying on her shoulder. She hugged me back and quietly whispered "It will all be okay.."

"Where..  is he?" I asked, still crying.

"The hospital, sweetie. Do you know what happened?"

"Yes, take me to him please.."

~~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~~

We arrived at the hospital and were able to see Ash straight away. He wasn't conscious.

Was this all because of me? I wouldn't bare myself if this was because of me.

After 5 hours I was the only person left in there. Ash's and my mom had left, leaving me there. I was crying into his chest, begging for him to wake up. The sound of his heartbeat was getting weaker and weaker, and I could hear the heart beating monitor still beeping.

Then... flatline..

I screamed for help and 4 doctors came rushing in. They forced me to stay outside whilst they tried to resuscitate him, but it would be to no avail. He was dead. They tried everything. Keeping him on life support. Nothing was working. I climbed up to the same roof as him when all of a sudden...

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