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Ash and Serena, best of friends, they hang out a lot, do almost everything together. People think they like each other, but they don't, until rumors start spreading about the two.

Ash's POV

"Ketchum!" She shouts towards me, running at me. We hadn't seen each other in weeks. "Sere!" I shout, running towards her. I embraced her in a tight hug. People usually get the feeling we like each other, but we don't. We've just been really good friends forever! After what felt like hours of hugging her, the embrace finally stopped.

"We haven't seen each other in ages!" I exclaim, looking at her cerulean blue eyes. You could tell we were good friends the moment you met us, we are with each other almost everyday. Rumors get spread about us but we don't care, we just get on with our lives. "Ages? Yeah, right. 4 weeks Serena, 4 weeks." I joked, smiling at her. I knew she'd say something to do with years after this. "4 weeks?!? Felt like 5 years to me!" She replied, staring in my eyes. I replied and smiled. "Let's just say five years then." I laughed, signalling her to follow me as I walked off.

We had our usual daily chat, then he arrived. 'King' of the school. Calem Xavier. "Hey, Ash, mind if I take my girlfriend?" He says, trying to pull Serena away. "I'm not your girlfriend Calem..." She whimpered, almost falling to the ground. "Don't you understand Calem, she's not your girlfriend.." I muttered, beginning to get angry. "What? Ash, can't deal with me taking your girl?" He teased. That was it! I made a fist, and lunged towards Calem! It hit him right on the cheek, and he fell down, knocked out. "Down and out!" I shouted, jokingly. That'll teach him. I hear people talking, I turn up to see a crowd of people, simply known as Calem's fangirls. They all began to run at me. "Serena! Help!" I shouted, running away from the swarm.

Serena's POV

It was to late to help Ash now, all of them had began chasing him, except for a few that threatened me. I didn't care about them though, after all, they're just a bunch of puny fangirls. Then she turned up, my worst enemy. 'Queen Bee'. Miette Poffle. (A/N Don't know what last name is XD) "Serioulsy Miette? What now." I moaned, heaving towards her. She always seemed to turned up, right after Ash does something. "What's happened to poor Calem?!" She barked at me. Oh come on she's the 'bee', she shouldn't be barking at me, she should be buzzing at me. "None of your business." I muttered, walking away. She ran towards me. "Touch him and you'll be sorry..." She whispered. Why would I touch Calem, anyway? I don't like him... I like no one. At least for now...

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