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Serena's POV

I couldn't hide my tears. I couldn't stop thinking about Ash. I really would miss him, I would always regret it, but it was for the better. Ash would have no one.

I'm sorry Ash, please forgive me

Ash's POV (3 days later)

I couldn't do this anymore, without Serena, I'm considering suicide. What could I do without her, she was my best friend... my only friend. If only she would let me know she was okay, if only I could see her again. The nearby buildings would be tall enough for me. What's the point in living without her. I climbed the stairs and exited to the roof, I went to the edge and...

Serena's POV

I feel so sad, I can't do this anymore.. "Xerneas! Take me back, I need to see Ash!"
"You will regret it, darling, but okay, if you must." Seconds later my vision faded and I could see Ash, on top of a building. He was going to kill himself! I had to stop him. I screamed his name repeatedly but he couldn't hear me. Why? I ran up to him and tried to grab him, but my hand just faded through him. I watched him jump to his death. I wanted to join him. I wanted to join my love. But I was invisible, and still in the forest with Xerneas.

"HE KILLED HIMSELF YOU IDIOT" I screamed at Xerneas, whilst many tears streamed down my eyes. "NOW KILL ME! I WANT TO BE WITH HIM!"
"I won't do that, dear." Xerneas said, calmly. "You need to get over him..."


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