Celebi The Saviour

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Ash's POV

I haven't seen Calem since I punched him, I wonder what happened. After all it doesn't matter, seeing as I hate Calem. "Ash?" Serena asked, looking at me. "Yeah?" I replied, turning to see her. The look on her face told me she'd tell me something bad. "Rumors have started spreading about us.." She whispered, a pink tint on her cheeks slightly showing. "Us? What do you mean?" I replied. I didn't get what she meant. "Silly Ash.." She laughed, and then kept on walking.

What was she on about? "Hey Ash!" I heard someone shout. It sounded like... "What do you want Calem!" I shouted, looking around to see his fist in my face. Everything went black for a moment, then I could see everything again. I saw Calem, with.... Serena? "ASH!" I heard Serena shout, starting to cry. "Don't worry Serena, he's gone now..." I heard Calem mumble. "In your dreams. Celebi go!" I shouted, getting up. "Oh no! Run!" Shouted Calem, having no Pokemon to defend him. I chuckled slightly. He let Serena go. I saw him run around the corner, but just before he fell!

"Are you alright?" I asked to Serena, helping her. "He is really a jerk..." She mumbled under her breath. I agreed with her, and we began to head to our next class, Mega Evolution. I know what Mega Evolution is because of Sycamore, but I didn't know much about it, oh well. "Oh yeah Ash, Celebi is a saviour! Where did you get him from?" Serena had asked me. "Well... it's quite a long story, sure you wanna here it?" I said, lying, seeing as I didn't want to ruin Miette's reputation. "Oh, I won't listen to it then!" She replied, embarrassed. I looked at Serena for a moment, then I got what she meant by 'us'. I love Serena.

Serena's POV

I got a bit embarrassed after I had said that. I saw Ash stare at me for a minute or two. Why does he do this randomly sometimes? "Hello? Ash?" I asked, waving my hand in front of his face frantically. He quickly snapped out of his thoughts and walked. "What's wrong?" I asked, following him. "I've got to go, not feeling myself right now." He replied, coughing. I didn't believe the coughing for one second, but seeing as we're best friends, I'll let it slide. "Oh ok.. Hope you get well soon!" I replied, walking away. It seemed like Ash, was different..in a way I can't explain. I'll just have to find out.

Time Skip

I walked in to my next class, Mega Evolution. I didn't know much about this, and the things I did know, I got told by Ash, because most of the time I wouldn't be paying attention to class. As usual I hadn't listened during class. This was going to be much worse then I thought.

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