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Lot of historical inaccuracies!

After what seemed like eons, the twins emerged from the bedroom. Everyone had already eaten and got used to the annoying, evil being in their presence. They clearly had already eaten, forgetting about the twins.

"So," a very familiar voice said softly, gaining everyone's attention, "my two boys have finally awakened?"

Alfred and Matthew snapped their heads and saw Saiska appear next to the door. They ran over and hugged her. Atticus just had to break up the family reunion.

"Don't I get a hug?" he asked slyly.

All three froze as they heard that. Saiska let go of her boys and stalked over to the demon incarnate. Her boys watching, like little children, on the sideline. Alfred was clutching his brother.

"No," Saiska glared down at Atticus. "I don't know what you are, but you are not a nation. Now, go away."

"Nope," he replied smoothly, "I like being seen. Plus, it's fun to torture that one," he pointed to the twins, specifically the youngest who was holding onto the oldest.

"Don't touch my son," she growled out.

"Oh, I don't."

He smirked at Saiska, then he disappeared once again. Saiska sighed and turned back to her boys. She noticed Alfred was forcing a smile. She knew he hated being seen as weak. She smiled and nodded as she vanished once again.

Alfred turned to face the rest of the nations, who were all in shock. Toris came up to Alfred and just hugged him. He pushed past Matthew and just hugged him.

"What's wrong?" Alfred asked, acting oblivious.

Toris just shook his, burying his head into his love's shoulder. Matthias, the personification of Denmark, cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the room.

"Uh," he seemed to be at a loss for words, "we should probably continue with the memories. Y'know, get them done with."

Alfred just nodded his head and let go of Toris. He turned on his heel and opened the door slowly. Unlike before, he took a deep breath before entering, leading the other nations in with him.

As the scene started with Alfred in front of Andrew Johnson, the vice-president turned president. Alfred had a bag packed.

"I'm leaving," he said sternly. "I don't know when I'll be back, but I'm leaving."

"And where are you going to go?" Johnson asked.

"I'm going west. I keep hearing how wonderful the west is, yet I've never seen it because I'm always trapped here. I'm a free nation, I have the right to do whatever I want."

After a while, the president finally agreed to let Alfred go west, causing the scene to change. The next scene had Alfred on horse. He was wearing blue jeans, brown chaps, a white shirt with a brown vest over it, a brown cowboy hat, cowboy boots, and he had two gun holsters with pistols in them. He also had a rifle strapped to his back.

He looked like he was headed into a town, but didn't slow down till he got to the saloon. He quickly hopped off his horse and tied his to the post. He rushed into the saloon and pulled up a stool at the counter. He waved over the barkeep. He put $5 on the counter.

"Keep serving me till I'm blackout drunk," his voice was somber. "There's more where that came from if you do."

The barkeep just nodded and took the money.

"Ve," Feliciano interrupted the memory, "that's not a lot of money."

Alfred, knowing that Feli was just acting dumb, answered, "That's about $95 in today's money."

"Mi amigo," Antonio, the personification of Spain, said, "what are you running from? Why are you getting drunk?"

Alfred smirked, "There was no reason back then. Everyone just drank."

Before they could say more, the scene ended and a new one began. It was Amelia now, she was wearing a simple tan skirt with a white shirt and a vest. She also had a cowboy hat. Her hair was put up in a ponytail. Her cowboy boots were simple brown. She was swaying as she stood, hiccupping. Drunk.
She could barely walk, but she had already left the saloon. That was until a harlot came up to her and pulled her along.

"You don't want to stay out at night," she said hastily. "That's when we work. They don't tell the difference between us. So, you're going to stay where we sleep."

Amelia just drunkenly nodded as she was led to a large house. She was led upstairs and into a bed room. She was pushed on the mattress and was out like a light.

The scene continued, just fast forward to the morning when Amelia woke up. She looked at her surroundings and started freaking out. She looked down and sighed in relief when she saw she was still dressed.

She slowly stood up, pounding headaches were so much fun. That was when one of the women who stayed in this house saw the she was up.

"Oh," she said shocked. "You shouldn't be moving so fast, you'll get sick."

"It's no problem," Amelia replied, in pain. "I don't get sick anymore."

"Alright, well Miss Jackson wants to speak with you. She might even offer you a job."

"Nah, don't need a job. Gotta get back to my life in D.C anyway."

With that, she just walked past the woman and down the stairs. She was almost clear when she heard a throat clearing. Instead of being a decent human being, Amelia just ran out the door and back to the saloon to collect her horse. She quickly hopped on and galloped out of there.

As she was galloping away, a wanted poster with her face fell onto the ground. Then the scene ended.

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