A few minutes of her sniffling passed and I still didn't know what to say.

"He really misses you, you know. He may not say it but...." She put up her hand to stop me from talking.

"What's done is done Jay."

My dear lord she sounds like Alexis. Why y'all gotta be so damn dramatic?

"Ok. Screw him. What exactly is bothering you? Come on. Spill it out. You know you want to Brendy."

She giggled a little, remembering the name I used to give her back in fourth grade.

"Come on." I said taking a step forward from my seat to wipe away her tears.

"Where do I even begin?" The crack in her voice broke my heart a little. I'm never used to her being this sad.

"Wherever you want."

"It's just...hard. It's so hard leaving someone you've fallen in love with Jay."

"Don't I know." I whispered; remembering a certain someone.

"What was that?" She asked.

"Oh. Nothing. Continue."

"It's just.... so frustrating. Having something amazing to tell them but realizing you can't do that because you don't talk anymore. Needing a shoulder to cry on but realizing that you can't talk to them. Everything hurts. The memories. The love that was once there. The cheating...."

"Wait what?"

"Yeah. You didn't know did you? He sent me a message that was meant for her. Allison or something. So I followed him to where they were meeting. It was a restaurant very far from where we live which could only mean that he didn't want to be seen. I stayed there just to make sure it was what I thought it was. He fed her himself almost the whole time. They laughed and joked around and I couldn't take it anymore Jay. The whole thing got on my nerves so much that I almost fainted. As I stood up to leave, he caught my eyes but couldn't even muster up the courage to come after me. Why would he?.." She trailed off, her breath hitched in her throat.

The fricking idiot! I'm going to teach him a damn lesson! He can't play my friend like that!

"Say that to yourself you ignorant baboon." Replied my conscious. The audacity these things have!

"He tried talking to me but I couldn't deal with it. I was too hurt to even listen to what he had to say. I don't even know why I'm the one crying. It's his loss really. Let him cry himself to sleep. Let him text Addison for all I care."

"Allison..." Somehow my dumbass felt the need to interject.

She gave me that look that sent shivers down my spine.


"Sorry. Continue."

"Rant over. I just feel so used and betrayed. I never told this to anyone but I really loved him Jaycee. I really saw a future with him. I mean we've been together since my freshman year and his senior year and nothing ever came between us. Am I seriously that hard to love? I mean what.... what have I done? Why do I feel so unloved and unwanted?" She whispered. When she looked at me, I could truly see how broken she was.

"You are genuinely one of the most caring and kind people I've ever met Brenda. Don't you dare, for a second, assume that this is your fault. I know how idiotic and moronic my brother can be and trust me that I'll talk to him for you, but please don't blame yourself. You are perfect the way you are and I would never trade you annoying the crap out of me for anything in this world. So please, don't cry over someone who clearly doesn't deserve you. I've always known you to be a strong person and I wouldn't want that shaken just because of a person; an idiot at that. You're trying to translate his empty words to form a message that will justify his actions when there isn't a hidden message. Him not caring and slipping up like that is the only message you need. With or without him, you'll be just fine Brenda."

The Girl They Never NoticedWhere stories live. Discover now