I ran down the stairs, we were out of school for thanksgiving break and I wanted to see Daddy

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I ran down the stairs, we were out of school for thanksgiving break and I wanted to see Daddy. "Elena!!!" I yelled to my sister. I usually call her Yoyo but now it sounds kinda dumb. She walked down the stairs. "Yeah?" She asked. "Where's Daddy?" I ask. "Urmmm...." She bit her lip. "Dunno, sorry kid." She said. I know she's lying, they always lie. Everyone always gets to know everything except for me. Most of their things are boring but still. I guess I'll find out later.
Next day

It was cold today so I wore this

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It was cold today so I wore this. Dad finally comes back today and I'm sooo excited to see him. "Daisy guess who's here!!!!!" Mom shouts. I ran from the backyard all the way to the kitchen and yelled "Daddy!!!" "Hey kiddo, did you miss me?" Dad asked. I nodded my head and I got to spend the whole day with Dad.
Next day
(You guys will eventually see where I'm going with this.)
Mack POV
I saw Daisy and Coulson playing some hand clapping game on the couch. I couldn't help but stare. "Mrs. Mary Mack Mack Mack , all dressed in black black black, with silver buttons buttons buttons, all down her back back back, she asked her mother mother mother, for fifty cents cents cents, to see the elephants elephants elephants jump over the fence fence fence." They sang. Coulson looked happy but I knew he was just keeping the act up for Daisy. "Dad are you okay?" Daisy asked. "Sure am." Coulson said. I walked up the stairs hoping there was at least a little truth in what he said. I was reading a book when I suddenly felt like something was off. "Daddyyyy!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Mommy!!!!!!! What's wrong with him?!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!" I heard Daisy scream. I bolted down the stairs to still hear her screaming as loud as possible.

 I bolted down the stairs to still hear her screaming as loud as possible

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Daisy de agedWhere stories live. Discover now