Hello everyone!

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If there is anyone still reading this, hi!

(I honestly doubt anyone is reading this story anymore. Like, who would?)

Don't worry, I am well aware of how inactive I have been. I'M SORRY

I have had a buttload of dance rehearsals, and I'm tired.

Like today, I was there for 5 HOURS! I ONLY GOT HOME HALF AN HOUR AGO.

So yeah. I'm tired.

I really really really hope you enjoyed this book, even though it's horrible (thank you Sam for pointing out how amazingly awful I am <3).

There will be a sequel-ish (you'll see), but I don't know how long that's gonna take, so bear with me!

I appreciate you guys so much.

Actually, I'm just realizing:

How long it took me to write all 3 Agents! books: like 2 days

How long it took me to write this story: 10 years

This story doesn't even have a proper title or anything just...



The whole point of this rant is- 

Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. I know I say this a lot, but I really appreciate you guys(whoever you are <3).


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