Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Tuesday 12:45 p.m.


"Yo Parker! Liam!", I hear Zach yell behind me. Liam and I both stop walking and turn around to face him.

"Hey", I say and we all start walking towards the cafeteria together.

"So have you guys heard? About the Mayor's daughter?", Zach asks.

"No, what about her?", Liam asks.

As we get our food and sit down at a table, Zach explains how the Mayor's daughter, Shelby, is going to our school now.

"So yeah. The whole school is talking about it. I mean, she just popped out of nowhere! Like, why is she coming to our school? Why not go to some really cool, super fancy private school?", Zach concludes.

"I don't have your answers. Why should we care anyway?", Liam complains.

"Oh come on dude! Don't be such grinch!", I say.

Suddenly I hear Zach start to sing 'The Grinch Song'. Oh gosh, why do I even speak? Any little thing I say makes Zach start singing. The bell rings sparing me from another minute of this.

"I'll see you guys after school ok? Those video games aren't gonna play themselves!", I say as I gather my stuff and begin walking to my next class.

As I'm walking, I spot a small girl I've never seen before talking to Jess, my lab partner. I decide she must be new and walk over to introduce myself. You never know when someone might need a friend.

"Hey Jess. Who's the new girl?", I ask.

"I'm Shelby.", the girl says in a cute high-pitched voice.

"Oh, the Mayor's daughter Shelby?", I ask. She nods.

"Cool! It's nice to meet you. I'm Parker. It seems you've already met Jess.", I say as I extend my hand to shake hers. She grabs my hand and shakes it.

We let go as Jess pipes in saying, "Well Parker, feel free to spread the news that I'm best friends with the Mayor's daughter."

"Why should I do that? You're the one who works on the newspaper!", I exclaim.

"Cause.", Jess replies, making Shelby laugh.

"Go on Parker. You have much work to do.", Jess says, shooing me.

"Ok, I'll be sure to do that.", I say sarcastically.

"On you go peasant, and when I see you in Science, I expect everyone in this school to be talking about the undying friendship between me and Shelby", Jess says dramatically, making Shelby laugh harder.

.I scoff and walk away, earning more laughter from both of them.


As I hear the bell ring, I quickly gather my stuff and walk out of class. Jess asked me to meet her in the front of the school. She said it was important, but she probably just wants a ride home in my limo.

I walk out of the building and see Jess standing by the flag pole.

"Hello!", I say.

"Hey Shelby. Sooo, did you enjoy your first day?", Jess asks me.

"Yeah! It was great! Much easier than private school!", I reply.

"Wait wait wait. Easier?", Jess says in disbelief.

"Totally! In private school, we had a test on the first day! Today was nothing compared to that!", I say.

"Wow.", Jess says with wide eyes.

Just then, Andre pulls up with the limo.

"Oh. My. GOSH!", Jess says, her eyes widening even more.

"Yup! I assume this is the important thing you wanted to talk to me about?", I say crossing my arms.

Jess nods, smiling.

As we get in the car and it starts moving, I say," Jess, this is my driver Andre. Andre, this is my new friend Jess."

"Nice to meet you Miss Jess.", Andre says politely.

"Likewise.", Jess replies.

"So Jess, where to?", I ask.

"Well, I'd like to see your place. Could we go there? My parents won't mind!", Jess suggests.

"Um, why not? You could even meet my dad!", I say.

"Yay!", Jess says and pumps her fists in the air.

After a few minutes of chit-chat, we arrive at my place.

"Oh. Em. Geezies.", Jess says in pure shock.

"Wait till you see the inside!", I say as the car comes to a stop. Jess jumps out at lightning speed and starts trying to pull me towards the house.

"Would you like the official tour?", I ask, letting Jess lead me to the front door. She nods her head, looking like an excited puppy.

"Ok. Here we go.", I say as I open the door. Jess screams in excitement and starts looking at everything. My grandmother's old vase, the picture of my parents on their wedding day, and even inspects the mirror in the bathroom.

Laughing and smiling, I start to show Jess around. We go to the kitchen, the dining room, the living room, the indoor pool, the unused tennis room, and finish the first floor with the backyard.

Next, I shows her the upstairs. My room, my parents room, the game room, and the theatre room.

"You ready to meet my dad?", I say standing in front of the door to my dad's study.

"Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!", Jess says bouncing up and down.

"Ok!", I say and open the door. "Hey Dad! How was your day?", I ask.

"Great! I got a lot done!", he replies. He finally notices Jess standing next to me. "Who's this?", Dad asks, looking Jess up and down.

"This is my new friend Jess. I bumped into her in the hallway, and she became my friend! Anyway, she just wanted to meet you. We're going to hang out in my room for a bit, and then I'll have Andre take her home.", I reply.

"Ok. Nice to meet you Jess. I'll talk to you later Shelby.", Dad says giving me a meaningful look.

I nod and close the door. I show Jess to my room and we sit down on my bed.

"What was that about?", Jess asks me.

"Nothing. He probably just wants to hear about my day.", I lie.

"Oh. Well, you are so lucky! Your place. Is. Amazing.", Jess says, looking at me in awe.

"Thanks. You know, I never thought I'd be here. Believe me, I was surprised when my dad told me he was running for mayor! Anyway, what do you want to do now?", I ask.

"Plan", she replies with a mischievous look on her face.

"Plan what?", I ask nervously.

"Plan the party we're having here Friday night.", Jess says.

Oh no.

(1024 words! Bye!)

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