Chapter 12

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(Because I can)

Chapter 12

Saturday 5:30 p.m.


"Are you ready?", Zach asks, parking across the street from Stacy's house.

"No.", Liam says.

"Yes!", I say and cover Liam's mouth with my hand. All of us are wearing casual clothing, so as not to look suspicious going into someone else's backyard. We grab our masks and get out of the car, being careful not to slam the doors.

"Ok. Let's do this.", Zach says.


"Guys quick! They're here!", Jess yells, after looking out the window. "They have masks in their hands. I think they're gonna try to scare us!"

"Try, being the leading word here.", Lizzie says. She's one of Stacy's friends. She's also a cheerleader, which explains why I've never seen her before tonight. We all run down the hall with our phones and sit on the floor in Stacy's room.

Our plan is a simple (and kind of stupid) one. When we hear the boys come in, we're going to shut off the lights using the 'Alexa' in Stacy's room. After the lights go out, we're going to scream and when the boys inevitably run up, we're going to take a picture of they're faces. It's pretty dumb, but we were on a time crunch.

And Stacy and I really hope we don't lose our boyfriends over this.

Stacy's phone chimes and shows a security video of the backdoor.

"That's so cool!", Jess whispers.

"Yeah it is. I have one at my house. We don't ever need it thankfully, but it's still good to have.", I whisper back. We all look back at Stacy's phone to see Parker, Liam, and Zach creeping into the house.

"Ok. You guys ready?", Stacy asks.


"Shut up! They're gonna hear us!", I whisper-yell to Zach.

I follow him around a corner and into the living room, with Liam right behind me. Suddenly, the lights shut off. Then we hear the screams. One after another, like a symphony of horror. My heart stops and only one thing runs through my mind.


There is a slight pause, then the three of us jump into action, running down the hallway. Liam and I follow after Zach towards Stacy's room. Zach leads us to a door and opens it quickly. I brace myself for something, anything.

But definitely not the flash of four phone cameras.

When my eyes adjust, I see Shelby, Jess, Stacy, and a girl with light-pink hair I'm sure I've seen at school before, laughing on the ground. I feel my heart slow down when I see Shelby is ok. I feel a slap on my shoulder and turn to see Liam, fuming.

"I told you this was a bad idea! Now they have leverage against us!", Liam yells. I laugh at his face and Zach joins me.

"I'll be waiting in the car!" I laugh harder and clutch my stomach, leaning over. I take a deep breath and look at Shelby. She's smiling, looking relieved. I walk over and sit next to her.

"So the pranksters got pranked.", I say, while Zach sits next to Stacy.

"Yup. We're pretty proud of ourselves for that one. ", Shelby says, grabbing my hand.

"The only downside is that Liam probably hates us now.", Zach says.

"Yeah. We should go talk to him.", I say.

"Ok. Bye.", Zach says, kissing Stacy quickly and standing up.

I stand up and say, "Bye. I'll see you tomorrow. Don't have too much fun without me."

"Wait what's happening tomorrow?", Shelby asks, with her brows furrowed.

"You'll see.", I say and wink. Shelby giggles and blushes.

I walk out of the room with Zach and smile. Any time I make Shelby laugh, even if it's unintentional, it makes me feel like there's a firework show going on in my heart. Her smile is contagious and only adds to her beautiful features. I don't think less of her because of her illness. It only shows how strong she is.

I think I'm really falling for her.

"Parker?", Zach asks, waving his hand in front of my face. I snap out of my thoughts and notice I'm standing outside.

"What?", I ask, annoyed he interrupted my nice thoughts.

"You've had an idiotic smile on your face this entire time and have been staring into space. Are you okay?", he asks, looking concerned for my mental health.

"Yeah I'm good. I'm really really good."


I hide behind the couch, my heart pounding. I sneak a quick look around the armrest and come face-to-face with Stacy. I swing my pillow and it smacks her shoulder. I laugh and run away before she can retaliate. I feel a slight hit to my leg and turn around to see Lizzie laying on her stomach on the floor, her arm extended from hitting my leg. I squeal and flop onto the inflatable mattress covering most of the living room floor. I laugh and feel a huge amount of air leave my lungs and stop laughing before I lose any more. It's not fun being unable to breathe. I should know.

"Oh that was so much fun!", I say, smiling and trying to regain my breath.

"That was! I haven't been to a sleepover like this in a long time.", Lizzie says, and sits down next to me. At that moment, Jess pokes her head around the corner and looks at us in anticipation, "Is it safe?"

We all burst out laughing and she walks over to us, smiling herself. As I look around at all our laughing faces, I can't help but feel content.

How did I get so lucky?

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