Chapter 9

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(Nothing like getting out of school to a new chapter! If you are in school. Bye)

Chapter 9

Monday 6:15 a.m.


"Mom, Dad, today I'm gonna tell Jess and Parker about, you know, the thing.", I say, playing with my food.

"Oh. That's good honey!", Dad says.

"Yeah. No more secrets.", Mom says.

"Yeah. Um, I'm going to go now. I love you.", I say.

"We love you.", Mom says. I walk out to the front of the house and get in the limo.

"Hi.", I say.

"Hello Ms. Shelby.", Andre says, pulling out onto the street. I open my phone and look through my pictures, remembering everything I've done. I look out the window to see my school, Westbrooke. The car pulls to a stop and I open the door.

"Bye. Thank you.", I say getting out.

"Anytime Ms. Shelby.", Andre says. I close the car door and watch him drive away.

'Ok deep breaths Shelby', I think.

I walk, with my head down, to Home Ec. I sit down at my desk, and a few minutes later, Jess sits down next to me.

"Hi!", she says.

"Hi.", I say.

"I want it to be summer already!", Jess whines.

"It's the second week of school Jess!", I say laughing.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuh! I want it to be winter break already!", Jess continues. The teacher walks in at that second so I just pat her shoulder and say, "Soon enough Jess. Soon enough."

In class we make questionable soup, and once we've all completed ours, the teacher says, "Well, you guys should be proud of yourselves. And now you don't have to pay for lunch!"

'Yeah, I'm not eating this.', I think.

The bell rings, and we all start getting ready to go before our teacher adds, "The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do."

Then Jess and I whisper, at the same time, "Then why is it called a dismissal bell?


Shelby<3: Ok I'm bringing Jess. Do you have Liam and Zach?

Parker: I have them. See you in a few seconds.

I look up from my phone and lead Liam and Zach over to the lockers by the cafeteria. I see Shelby and Jess leaning against a few lockers and walk up to them.

"Hey guys.", Jess says.

I give Shelby a quick wink, lean down, and kiss her, cute and sweet. I pull away and Jess screams, giving Shelby a giant bear hug. I look at Liam and Zach and burst out laughing at their long faces.

"I....I.....but you...and then...WHAT?", Zach stumbles. Liam just stares, unspeaking.

"I did not expect a reaction like that!", I say, still laughing.

"I'm sorry, but you can't just throw something like that in our faces! Especially without any warning!", Zach says. I look at Liam but he's still staring in shock.

"I think we lost him.", Shelby says, laughing along with me, Jess, and Zach. I wave my hand in front of his face to no result.

"I think we should just leave him.", Zach says.

"Ok. Bye guys.", I say and walk in the direction of my next class, still laughing.


On my way to Math, Zach catches up with me.

"I know I was a bit shocked back there, but I'm really happy for you two. Parker hasn't really been himself since his old girlfriend broke up with him. He's been so much happier since he met you. Liam and I are really happy to have our best friend back.", he says.

"Thank you Zach. That means a lot. And I'm glad to have him as well.", I reply.

"Ok. See you around Shelby.", he says.

"See you around.", I say.

I walk into class, still thinking about what Zach said.

'Liam and I are really happy to have our best friend back.'

'You might lose him again once he finds out what I'm hiding.', I think.

I sit down at my desk and pull out my books. "Hello class! Today we'll be learning about...", I zone out as the teacher starts talking.

'Parker hasn't really been himself since his old girlfriend broke up with him.'

'So much happier since he met you'

'Have our best friend back'

The words ring through my head all throughout class until I hear a different ring, the ring of the bell. "Ok class you may go! Just don't forget! Ax+B=C! See you tomorrow!", the teacher yells.

I grab my stuff and walk out of the classroom. I drag my feet across the floor, looking for any excuse not to go outside. I walk into the library and even take the time to check out a book.

'Come on Shelby! Just do it!', I think.

I walk out of the library, past the front office, and out the front door. I take a right turn and see Jess standing against the flag pole, scrolling through her phone.

"Shelby hey! What took you so long? I almost left! Is everything ok?", she asks.

"Yeah! I just got caught up with......stuff.", I say.

"Oh ok. So what did you want to talk to me about?", Jess asks.

"So we've been friends for about a week now right?", I ask.

"Yeah....", Jess says.

"Look, normally I would wait a bit longer before I told you this, but you've been so nice to me. I really appreciate you and I feel that you need and explanation.", I say.

"What is it? Shelby you're scaring me!", Jess says, frightened.

"I have something to tell you. Do you promise you won't hate me?", I ask nervously.

(HAHAHA another cliffhanger! Unfortunately there might not be a chapter tomorrow unless I get a lot of writing done tonight! Thank you guys so much for reading and I'll hopefully see you tomorrow! Bye!)

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