Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Saturday 4:30 a.m.


I did it. I finally kissed Shelby. As I pull away from her, I look into her eyes and smile. She smiles back, making me feel like a million bucks. We just sit there and smile until we hear Shelby's mom call us down.

"We should probably go down.", Shelby says.

"Yeah we probably should.", I say. I give her a quick peck on the lips and stand up, not letting go of her hand. Shelby leads me downstairs and into the dining room.

"Hey kids. We're going to eat outside. Shelby can show you where to go Parker.", Mrs. Maxwell says before noticing our joined hands and smiling. I follow Shelby outside onto her patio and sit down next to her, while her parents sit down across from us. For the entirety of breakfast we talk, and laugh, and eat too much. They ask me a lot about my plans for the future and what I'm interested in. After we're finished, I help clean up and put stuff away.

"I would love to stay longer but I have a prior commitment.", I say.

"Awwww. I don't want you to leave.", Shelby says frowning.

"It's ok. I'll see you on Monday. And the day after that. And the day after that.", I say making her laugh.

"Ok. I can live with that.", Shelby says and hugs me.

"Bye.", I say and kiss her.

"Bye.", she says and reluctantly pulls away. I open the front door, walk out, and get in the car waiting for me.

"Hey. Thanks for picking me up.", I say.

"You're welcome. Now hurry and buckle your seat belt so I can drop you at Liam's.", Ellie, my older sister, says.

"Ok ok.", I say. I get settled and Ellie starts the car. I lean my head on the back of my seat and drift in and out of sleep during the ride. I open my eyes as the car stops.

"Ok you're here. Get out.", Ellie says pushing my shoulder.

"Fine fine." I say getting out of the car.

"Bye.", Ellie says and speeds away.

"Bye.", I say under my breath. I walk up to the door and knock before being pulled roughly into the house by Liam.

"Tell. Us. Everything.", Zach says from across the room.

"What is there to tell?", I ask nervously.

"Well. First of all, you didn't drive home with us from the party. Second, I've been trying to call you for the past few hours. Third, you're blushing. You have some explaining to do.", Liam says questioningly.

"The reason I didn't drive home with you was because I stayed late to help Shelby clean up from the party.", I lie. Shelby asked me not to tell anyone what really happened. I'm gonna respect her. "Second, I turned off my phone because I wanted to sleep in. And third, I'm not blushing", I say.

"Sure.", Liam says not believing me.

"Whatever.", I say shaking my head.

"Well, we have pizza. Want some?", Zach asks me.

"Always.", I say walking into the kitchen, with Liam still looking at me suspiciously.

"I don't want to go to school on Monday!", Zach whines, reminding me of Shelby. I laugh along with Liam while turning on his Xbox. For the remainder of the day, we play too much Minecraft and eat too much food. Around 5:00 p.m. I get a call from Shelby.

"Sorry guys. I gotta take this.", I say pausing the game, making Liam and Zach groan. I answer the phone and walk into the backyard, getting greeted by Liam's dog, Link.

"Hi.", I say.

"Hi.", Shelby says.

"What's up?", I ask.

"Nothing much. I took a nap after a night of no sleep. Now I'm watching T.V. How about you?", she asks.

"I'm at Liam's. I've been here since I left your place.", I reply.

"Oh. But wait, that was over 10 hours ago!", she says surprised.

"Yup. And I haven't gotten up once.", I say making her laugh.

"Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Dakota's with me?", Shelby asks.

"You mean like a date?", I ask smiling.

"Umyeahbutyoucansaynoifyouwant.", Shelby says very fast.

"I would love to.", I say.

"Really?", Shelby says relieved.

"I would like nothing more. Except that Liam and Zach are going to make fun of me because you asked me on a date first.", I say.

"Yeah that's gonna happen.", she says laughing.

"Yup.", I say popping the 'p'.

"So I can meet you there around 7:00?", Shelby asks.

"See you at 7:00.", I reply.

"Bye.", she says. I can hear the smile in her voice. She can probably hear mine.

"Bye.", I say and hang up. I do a little happy dance, give Link a little pet on the head, and walk back inside.

"Who was it? And why did it take you so long??", Zach asks.

"It was Shelby.", I reply.

"Oh so your girlfriend. What did she want?", Liam asks.

"She asked me on a date.", I say nervously.

"I knew it! I knew it I knew it I knew it!!", Liam yells.

"Yes, ok? You were right this whole time. Are you happy now?", I ask.

"Very.", Liam replies.

"Well, I have to leave now. Can you give me a ride to my house?", I ask.

"Yeah, let me just grab my keys.", Liam replies.

"Ok.", I say and Liam walks out of the room. Once he's gone, Zach walks up to me.

"You know, now that we're both dating people, we have to set Liam up with someone.", he says.

"I would pay so much money to see how he reacts to that!", I say making him laugh. Before more can be said, Liam walks in.

"Ok lets go. We wouldn't want Parker to be late for his DATE! With Shelby. The girl I always knew he liked. So I'm basically a fortune teller.", Liam teases.

"Whatever. Come on.", I say and walk out the front door to Liam's car. I get in the passenger seat and buckle my seat belt while Liam and Zach do the same. We drive for a few minutes and arrive at my place.

"Thanks for the ride. I'll see you guys on Monday. Bye.", I say getting out of the car.

"Bye.", Liam and Zach say simultaneously.

I get out of the car and walk into my house, then close the door behind me. I walk into my room and find the suit I wore to my cousin's wedding. As I'm fixing the collar, Ellie walks in.

"Where are you going that you would need a suit? You never bother to look nice, why would you start now?", she asks.

"I have a date at Dakota's with Shelby.", I reply.

"Shelby the mayor's daughter Shelby?", she asks.

"Yup.", I say.

"Wow. That place is very fancy. Ok have fun bye. Oh and parker?", Ellie asks.

"What now?", I ask irritated.

"Good luck. You're gonna need it.", she replies.

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