♕caring!Aloha X heartbroken!fem!Reader♕

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"I see... a new girl? Well, my name's Aloha. What's yours~" he asked curious and acted like a flirty boy. It slowly turned me on, but over time the thought came back, that I was already taken.
I shook my head and pointed my finger on him.

"Look. I don't know what you want, but I'm on the way to an important meeting with my soulmate" I added a bit offensive and wanted to show, that I was in hurry. I didn't have much time, so I just walked past by him, and let him stay speechless.

He didn't do anything afterwards which was better for him, because otherwise, my bf would screw him up. Heh..

At least, I got rid of him and finally I was be able, without any other obstacle, to go to him, after more than one week waiting.

There he stood.

The very cute boy.

My love.

I just wanted to watch him, till it will be 3 P.M., because it wasn't time yet.

He just stood there and waited eagerly for me, but then, he strangely looked to the side where the Grizzco AG was. I didn't understand that, because it was actually closed.
After a closer look though, I saw, how there a girl came out from the shadow to him.
The started to talk and he instantly hugged her. Apparently this was a friend of him, which was totally okay, because friends would be important to me as well.

Then, I took took the opportunity and showed myself in front of the whole inkopolis square, because I never saw this girl before. I decided to be friends with her as well, and hoped that he would introduce her to me.

But then, as I was staying there, with the shops, the game corner, the octo expansion, the Grizzco GmbH, the inkopolis tower in my sight and the multiple inklings and octolings in my sight, I saw the end of the world. Actually, not the end itself but mine. My world fell apart, because I just saw the two kissing right in front of me, some minutes before the agreed time, where he should actually kiss me.

They didn't see me yet, but after they broke up the kiss, I stumped half dead towards them, but someone pulled me back, right after my first step.
It was Aloha, who had apparently something against me.

"Let me go. I want to know what's going on with the two right now" I commanded with an angry voice and tried everything to get away from him, because the girl was soon about to leave.

"He's a cheater. It's obvious. Is he your soulmate? Then he must be a coward" Aloha mumbled and watched the two with the golf visor tight on his head.

I didn't listen to him and wanted to do this. I shook myself so hard, that I finally was be able to get completely away and at the same time, the two noticed me.

"No... wait" he yelled his last words but I didn't care anymore. Luckily he didn't try to run after me and probably just stood in the distance

"Wh..... BF/N? What the hell? Who is she and why you kissed her?" I asked and felt my voice, how it slowly fell into the hole of death. I had hardly some force left and my whole body begun to shake. I could pass out at any moment but I was willing to hear... what the fuck was going on here.

I waited with much patience like never before and stared at the two. BF/N was pretty surprised and sweated hard, while the girl looked at me strangely. She didn't move an inch but as I wanted to go to her closer, BF/N stood between of us.

"Huh, you're protecting her? EXPLAIN" I yelled.

"Wh-why are you already here? And... it's not what it looks like.." he said finally his first words, but pretty nervous.

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