Yup....it's Violet.

"Hurry! Take her out of here before Jacob gets here!" I heard her say and two other unfamiliar figure walked into the room and I was dragged out of the room.

"Quick, in here. It's safer" she commanded them and I was dragged into another room but this one had lights and tools laying on a table. What tools you ask?

Tools that people use to Torture people...

Lock the door!" She shouted and the locked the door before standing in front of it to block it.

"Now back to you..." she said and grabbed ahold of me hair.

"You filthy whore!" She cussed at me before hitting me cross the face and I let out a painful whimper. "You think you can steal him from me huh? I'll f**king kill you then we'll see who gets him!" She continued while she kept hitting me and I just stood there.

I could have hit back if I wanted....but I didn't before I was too weak and because I wanted this. I wanted to die...

"What? Can't fight back huh? Who's beating who up now?" She teased as she continued to hit me across the face while I just stood their.

She suddenly stopped stopped then pushed me unto a chair.
"Let's see how well you can handle pain" she smirk before gesturing the two men standing at the door to come over an they both held down my hands.

I watched as she went over to the table that had the tools I talked about earlier and picked up a small knife. "How about this huh?" She asked as she walked over to me.

"Do you think you can handle the pain?" She asked then lift the knife to my skin and slowly ran it over. It was very sharp because I was already bleeding from my shoulder to my arm.

Closing my eyes, I let out another whimper. This is what I want...to die so I didn't say anything. I just let out a few whimpers here and there when the cut began to hurt.

"Okay, enough of that. Do you think we should go to your fingers now?" She asked as she walked back to the tabled and picked up and very sharp knife.

"How sharp do you think this is? Should we find out?"she asked while walking back to me. Lifting the sharp knife to my fingers, she placed it between my little fingers and my heart beat sped up while my breath became uneven, knock me what she's about to do but before she can even do it, the door came flying open and gun shots were heard.

The two men who was holding me felling to the ground while blood gush through them and I squirm juts looking at it. I was looking at two dead bodies beside me....

"I warned you Violet....never to touch here again but you f**king disobey, didn't you?!" A familiar voice was heard and I looked to the door to see a furious Jacob standing there with a gun pointed to her as about twenty of his men followed from behind and surrounded her.

"H-how did you get in...." Violet began and I averted my eyes to her. She was trembling in fear.

"Sophia.....get over here" Jacob said calmly as he gestured for me to come over to him, while he totally ignored Violet

Should I go?

I know I wanted to die but my legs said other wise and I found myself standing and slowly walking over to him but as I passed Violet, a hand was suddenly wrapped around my neck and I let out a low scream.

"Come closer and she dies!" Violet said and I felt a cold object to my head. She has a gun....

I looked at Jacob and saw his eyes held fear inside. Is he scared that I'll die?

No! No one cares for you...remember that.

"Violet....let her go" Jacob said to her while slowly walking to us with his gun still pointed at her.

"No....she doesn't deserve to live" she said to him while her hands trembled in fear.

She was right.....I don't deserve to live.

"Kill me then" I said as I felt my eyes became a little teary.

I looked back at Jacob and saw him looking at me in surprised. He looked at me while nodding his head 'no' before turning an also shocked Violet.

"Let her go Violet....you're surrounded. You're dead if you shoot her" he said back to her while slowly walked towards us again and his gun pointed to her. she shook her head no while slowly moving backwards with me in her hands.

"Kill me.....isn't that what you want? Me to die?" I asked Violet while she walked backwards with me in her hands.

"Keep quiet Sophia" Jacob warned me while he continue to walk closer to us. He wasn't too far from us now and I could feel Violet's entries body shaking in fear.

"B-back A-away before I shoot!!!" She stammered/cried while shoving the gun more to my head and Jacob immediately stopped walking.

"Violet....put the gun down..." he said still pointing his gun to us but Violet only shoved the gun more to my head.

"N-no! Get away....I'll s-shoot if you don't!!" She yelled still shoving the gun more I my head and my heat brat speak up.

"Then do it...." I found myself saying. This is it....I wanted to do it. I wanted to go away from this world.

"Sophia!!!" He warned me again but this time in a louder tone and I turned to him to see him glaring at me.

"Violet..." he said as he averted his eyes back to her and she trembled more while shoving the guy more to my head.

"Violet....put the gun down" he said as he got closer to us again and Violet shook her head no and I watched as Jacob face expression changed to a scared one.

"Don't pull that trigger" he said to her then I finally understood why he had that facial expression. My heart rate sped up while I breath louder...

This is it....

"Violet this is your last warning......VIOLET!!" He shouted out then


A loud gun shot was fired and my vision was suddenly clouded while my knees give in. I fell to the ground and ever thing went black.

Darkness surrounded me...I was standing in a room with darkness surrounded me. No lights, no windows....no nothing...

Am I dead?


Omg! Is Sophia dead?!!😮😮 I never expected this. Author, why did you leave us with a Clift hanger? Why!!!😢

Hey yall!!!💞

I've decided to give an early update today since it's Saturday😊💗

Don't forget to vote and comment below...Anyways...this is all for now. Until next time...👋

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