Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

When I arrived back to my hometown I met Christine at the airport and took her in my arms. I couldn't help but burst into tears. Confronting my mother had proven to be one of the most difficult tasks of my life. All I wanted to do was focus on Christine and music. I wanted to get back to performing and forgetting about all my troubles. The only time I ever felt truly alive was when I was with her and when I was on stage singing and playing my trusty bass. That thing never failed me, neither did my tenor voice. I ran a hand through my hair and kissed Christine's head as I put an arm around her. 

POV Christine

That Friday was Steven's graduation so instead of performing at Serpent Cove we all got dressed for a different occasion. I got ready with Sophie and made sure she looked stunning for her man. We all got to the gymnasium at around 7. The ceremony started at eight and we sat through an hour of boring speeches until names finally started being called. 
"Sunshine Anderson." We all cheered for our friend and saw her point and smile at us. 
"Ian Miller." We once agains cheered. 
Finally, after what seemed like forever we heard his name be called.
"Steven Sanchez." We cheered louder than ever and saw him smile at us. We were all incredibly proud especially Sophie, Emily, and Paul. We all continued to cheer and after the ceremony we met him in the back and ambushed him in a group hug. 
"Now back to my house for to party!" Steven said throwing his cap up in the air and then catching it. 

We all arrived back at Steven's place and immediately made our way to the den where most of the gatherings were held. The first couple minutes were spent talking amongst ourselves and eating. I noticed Emily walk towards me and stood next to me. 
"Are you alright, Christine?" She asked.
"I'm fine Em." I said. 
Emily poured them each a glass of soda. "How did things go with Joe's mother."
"I don't know. I've asked but he refuses to talk about it." I replied not looking at Emily. I wanted to know how things went with Joe's mother but it was personal and I didn't want to push him. 
"Don't stress it, he just met his mother who he thought was dead for seventeen years."
"You're right." I said finally turning to look at Emily. 
"The best you can do is just be there for him."I nodded as I noticed Joe walking towards us. Joe put his arm around me and kissed my cheek.
"You okay babe?" Joe asked.
"I'm fine, I'm glad the school year is finally finished. We could spend all summer rehearsing and gigging, it's gonna be great." I said with a smile. 
"I'm glad Steven is staying around for another year because without him we have no drummer and even if we found someone new, he's the best drummer in this place." Joe said. 

Joe had slipped away to go to the bathroom and I saw Paul sitting on the recliner. He seemed deep in thought and my eyes couldn't look away. I mustered up the courage to walk over to him and sit on the arm of the chair. 
"What's wrong?" I asked with a sympathetic smile, trying to get him to smile back. 
"I don't want to bring you down during a happy time, but if you want we can talk after the party before you go home. Happy school is over?" 
"We should all take a trip for a week and then we can focus on band stuff."
"That sounds amazing, anything in mind?"
"Paris, we can leave on Sunday and return Thursday so that we can perform on Friday."
"Sounds good but can we afford it?"
"With the recent gigs we've had, we've all saved enough money."
I smiled. "Paris, something tells me this will be a dream." 

Paris was a dream. We had just arrived to a large vacation home that the boys rented out and when I looked out my window I could see it. The Eiffel Tower. It was breathtaking in person. Paul came up next to me and smiled to get a glimpse of it and so did Joe. The city of love. I couldn't even believe we were actually in Paris and with the people I love most in my life. The band, and my girls. Something inside told me this would be a trip I'd never forget. Joe put his arm around me and looked out at it in awe. I could see the excitement all over his face and it made me happy to know that something was making me smile and not think about what seemed like an unpleasant encounter with his mother. I placed my head on his shoulders and smiled at the beautiful view in front of me. We stared for a couple of seconds until my mind came back to reality realizing the commotion of people talking in the background. 

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