"Can you wait until we downstairs, I don't want to you miss your flight." He said grabbing her suitcase.

She rested her hand on top of his. 

" No it can't, because you probably won't ever want to talk to me again." She slightly mumbled the last part.

"Babe what are you talking about?" He asked her confused as to what was happening.  " What's wrong?" He asked begging for answers as to what was going on.

"Look Niall, I really like you, but."

"But?" He questioned feeling his stomach drop.

"I can't do it, you have a crazy life and I just can't deal with that right now. I'm sorry." She kissed him on the check on last time before taking the suitcase from his hand and walking out of the hotel room as a tear slipped of her eye.

Niall ran his hand in his hair grabbing a fist full of it. He didn't know what just happened, he thought everything was going great. What happened?

 He plopped down on the bed and punched the mattress. All he wanted was to sleep and forget about Abby.

"Where's Niall?" Louis questioned when he saw Abby at the car alone. 

"He's not coming." She told them. Figuring he could explain the whole story to them later.

"Oh okay." Liam said as he threw the last of the three girls bags into the trunk.

They made their way to the airport where they were only days ago.

"I love you, call me when you land." Louis told Eleanor as he hugged and kissed her one last time before she had to board.  Liam did the same with Danielle and both of the boys hugged Abby goodbye.

"Have a safe flight!" Liam yelled as the girls were walking away.

"Yeah be safe!" Louis added.

The boys drove back to the hotel and planned on questioning Niall as soon as they got back.

Louis and Liam walked up to Zayn's  room where Harry and Zayn were hanging out watching TV.

"Have you seen Niall?" Liam asked asked the two of them.

" No, we thought he was going with you." Harry replied as Zayn took out his phone to text the lost Irish boy.

" Abby said he wasn't coming, maybe he's in his room." Louis suggested not knowing where else he would be.

The four boys walked down the long hotel corridors that all looked identical.

"Niall!" Zayn yelled through the door as Harry made his attempt at knocking.

"What?!" He hissed back.

"Open the door!" Liam shouted.


Liam pulled out the room key that Abby had given him before she got on the plane. 

He opened the door and all the boys polled through the door. Niall was still in bed.

"What happened?" Louis immediately question.

"Yeah why didn't you come today?" Liam added.

"Because she dumped me! Okay! Are you happy? Now leave me alone!" He shouted at them putting his face back into the pillows.

The boys whispered some stuff to each other before responding to what just happened. They didn't really know what to say, but they knew Liam and Louis would be the best to talk to him.

Just an Ordinary GirlWhere stories live. Discover now