Chapter 40

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The moment Wicks had told her that she was Military Intelligence, she'd felt incredibly relieved. The hacking she'd done in the past had been part of her job and not criminal. Anger then filled the void left behind by fear of the unknown. Anger for how Devon's Disciples had used her, but most of all anger for killing Hunter, a man she knew in her heart had watched out for her and had died protecting her.

And now Teegan wanted to do the same. Risk his life to keep her safe.

"No, I can't allow it."

His face fell. "What do you mean you can't allow it?"

"Hunter was killed because of me."

"Hell no, Skyler, you don't get to take blame for any of this. That asshole Barclay betrayed not just you and Hunter, but the entire military. Who knows who else he compromised. If ever there was a time that they need you on their side, it's now. But you are a Ephramed woman. Devon's Disciples won't try to recruit you again. They want you dead. And I'm sure as hell not going to entrust your safety to anyone else."

"Are you saying I don't have a choice in the matter?"

"That's precisely what I'm saying. Rail at me all you want, but it's a done deal."

"I can request someone else. Tell them that I don't trust you."

His thumb caressed her cheek as his fingers cupped the side of her head. "This is about more than the risk involved. You had no objection when you thought I was going elsewhere on assignment. Why are you pushing me away?"

She lowered her eyes. "I want you to stay because you want me, not because you have to."

"Look at me, Skyler," he said, holding her face steady, his grey eyes demanding her attention. "I don't care about the damn job. It's you I want. Even before I was discharged from the Berserkers, I had a hole in my life. I never understood what I was missing until I met you, and now I can't imagine life without you. Do you understand what I'm saying? I love you and nothing else matters to me except you."

She never dreamed she'd hear those words from him, and more than words, the fire in his eyes told her he meant what he said. She tugged on his black t-shirt, that had managed to stay on through two rounds of sex and she still couldn't find her panties. "I'm going to miss seeing you in uniform. Then again, maybe you'll be less bossy."

"The man makes the clothes, not the other way around."

"So, I may yet see you in an apron? Just an apron?"

"I need a place to holster my weapon."

"Oh, I know the perfect place for your weapon."

"Ooh, Princess, I think I'm going to like this job."

"They won't refuse you, for being involved with me, will they?"

"They can object all they want, but they can't make a man leave his wife."


"If you'll have me? Dirty pens and all?"

"What I do for you..."

He waggled his eyebrows. "Exactly. And as my first step as your bodyguard, I need to find out where your weaknesses are."


"To make sure no one can."

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