Chapter 7

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She'd been running... and running, but still he caught her. His hands circled around her neck, choking her even as she hit 'send' on the computer. She hadn't finished her assignment. The message had been incomplete. Would it be enough? The computer morphed into a disruptor, still hot from the hole she'd shot into the Ephramet. Bodies of shoppers, young and old, lay everywhere.

Skylar woke up screaming. She couldn't breathe and hands were shoving her down.

"I'm right here, Princess."

The voice was so familiar, and it called to her on some level beyond the words. Her eyes refused to open. Was she still asleep?

A hand brushed her cheek, then gently tapped above and below her eyes. A familiar scent, all masculine with a hint of coffee and machine oil, helped her relax. Wherever she was, she wasn't in danger. There was a slight pinch of something being pried off where that heavenly touch had been. She could open her eyes now.

Teegan was leaning over her, with an extra day's growth of his scruffy beard and circles under his eyes.

"I had to tape your eyes shut. Whatever that asshole gave you caused your eyes to spring open yesterday but you never blinked."

"Yesterday..." She tried to grab the memory, seeing the greyed-out edges of a person, but then it disappeared.

"You've been unconscious for two days," he said, his concern clear.

Two days. Not Three. Maybe it hadn't been a full dose this time. She took in the grey walls and bright white lighting and scrunched her eyes.

"Sorry," he said, as he lowered the lights to a tolerable level.

"You didn't leave me with them?"

His thinned lips, maybe because she sounded surprised or maybe he'd finally realized she'd not only lied to him, but she'd placed both of them in danger.

"Something wasn't adding up. Namely, you knew my screen name."

"Monk32," she repeated. She'd communicated with him through the dark web twice before he finally kidnapped her. "Who were they?"

"The people who hired me. At least that's what I had thought up until the moment you shouted my screen name. You hired me, didn't you, Princess?"

She nodded. "I had to get away from my parents."

"You're over eighteen. Why not just walk away?"

She swung her legs over the bed. "How hard was it for you to break into the estate to get to me?"

"It was challenging, but I have some skills in that area."

"Well, I'm not an expert on the matter, but I think they had just as much security to ensure I didn't get out. Maybe more."

He wasn't smiling anymore. "I'm guessing they hacked your account and switched the meeting point."

She nodded. It was the only thing that made sense, and it was rather irritating to boot. Not just the 'you nearly got kidnapped for real this time' part, but the embarrassment of a hacker being hacked. That would probably get her kicked out of hacking circles... if she were in any. Maybe she'd find that out eventually too, after some of the basics like her name, what she did for fun... how long she'd been held by the Goldsmiths and the best question of all... why.

Teegan leaned in really close, close enough that his scent rolled over her again and she found herself biting her lower lip. God, he smelled good. "Tell me about your screen name, Princess."


That grin of his would be her undoing. "Usually I start with a kiss or two, maybe a little exploration with my hands," he said dragging a single finger down her arm. The shiver running through her made her forget about the aches in her muscles. "...but I can make an exception for you."

Oh, how she wanted to laugh, but crying seemed much more likely if she dared open her mouth. She was barely holding herself together. This was supposed to be a simple escape from the Goldsmiths, and suddenly people were trying to buy her. What the hell did they want with her?

"Hey, I was just joking," Teegan said.

Teegan didn't joke. It wasn't in his nature. Maybe flirt, but not joke. Things must be worse than she thought. "I've... I've got to go," she said, not sure where she'd go, only that she couldn't stay here, with him. She slid off the bed, still woozy, but with enough coordination to hold onto the walls for support as she made it into the corridor.

There was no tapping of shoes against the metal floor behind her, none that she could hear at least, but she sensed he was following her. Another stumble brought her to her knees, and the slight curse behind her confirmed his presence.

"There's no place to go." His voice reached out to her, softer than she'd hear it before. She really wanted to grab hold of him, but he hadn't exactly offered a hand or an arm.

"You're safe with me," he added, when she didn't respond.

He probably hadn't offered because he thought she was scared of him, but nothing was farther from the truth. The longer she stayed with him, the more danger he'd be in. It wasn't right. Whatever was going on was her fight, not his.

In the past, she'd always had at least a day's rest before getting out of bed. Now she knew why as her legs collapsed beneath her as she reached the ship's door. Teegan caught her before her head struck the wall. She didn't do 'helpless' well. He should have let her fall, then maybe she'd think twice before getting up too soon. Except there couldn't be a next time. She needed to get away from these people, whoever they were.

As Teegan lifted her in his arms, she caught a glimpse through the porthole next to the door. Nothing but endless space out there. They'd left Nova Station.

Tears spilled down her cheeks as she buried her head against his shoulder. She'd held it in too long. The nightmares, the memories, the coldness of her parents and now someone had tried to kidnap her. A real kidnapping, where she didn't have any control over who took her let alone where and why. Her body shook, just adding to her misery.

Gently, Teegan returned her to her bed and pulled the blanket over her. Unable to face him, she turned towards the wall. He probably thought her a fool who deserved what she got.

The edge of the bed sank under his weight. "I don't know what's going on, Skylar, but I think you do, at least to some extent. I can help you with whatever mess you're in."

"Why would you want to?" she asked, her words choppy as she tried to hide the tears. He'd think that's all she was capable of if she continued crying in front of him. Not that she should care about what he thought, but she did. Kidnapper or not, he'd been the only one to show any concern for her in a long time. Unless he still saw her as an investment...

She gathered up her resolve, wiped the tears from her face and turned over to face him so there'd be no misunderstandings between them.

"This is my problem, not yours. Do us both a favor and drop me at the next station or planet. Don't worry, you'll be paid for your troubles. You kidnapped me as you said you would. 'Swift, clean and without complications.' I'll make sure you get paid."

She had one source of money that she'd sworn she'd never access, as it could lead them to her, but Teegan had done his bit and it was time for them to go their separate ways, before he got hurt.

"As soon as we dock at a station or planet, somewhere I can access my parents' account, I'll transfer money to you, for all your trouble."   

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