Chapter 16

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Another Ephram on her arm... Garrox had left another needle Ephram. She was tired of being everyone's pincushion. Mac had turned against her, Teegan had sold her, and now that lowlife Garrox had shot some of that cloudy white liquid into her. The 'medicine' that was supposed to help her remember... yeah, right.

"Relax," Garrox said as he checked her pulse for the third time in as many minutes.

"Why me?" she asked, unable to form complex sentences.

"Your parents sent me to find you," Garrox said, ignoring her question. "That was quite clever of you, by the way, arranging your own kidnapping. Let someone else do all the work of arranging your escape. That's why you're special, Skylar. You know how to think outside the box. And that's also what makes controlling you quite a challenge."

"Why?" she said again, wondering if she sounded like a fool, but she wanted to know, she deserved to know what they'd been doing to her.

"Sh... relax, let the drugs work."

Already the fog was filling her brain. An image of Teegan appeared in her head. With a mental hand, she swiped his face away, still too angry with him. His scruffy face reappeared, but not to laugh at her for being a fool. For whatever the reason, it was as if he refused to leave her. The pain flooded her muscles now, which was fitting given how she felt after what he'd done. He had left her, and he wasn't coming back, which was just as well. She didn't need that scowl that made him look dangerous and sexy at the same time, or that all too-cute way he quirked an eyebrow up when something surprised him or he meant to tease her. His arms weren't all that muscular either when they wrapped her in an embrace, making her feel safe and loved. And he had no sense of humor, aprons or not. All he cared about was money... Except he'd barely blinked an eye when Mac said money had been transferred. Most mercenaries would have confirmed that before leaving, or at least made a threat warning that any double cross would be dealt with, harshly. No, her ex-soldier hadn't cared about the money, but he had left her. He'd abandoned her, just like everyone else.

The fog filled every crevice of her brain now, masking Teegan's image. Fighting the powerful chemicals coursing through her body was useless, so she closed her eyes and let the fog overtake her. She'd be awake again in three days. And then she'd find a way out of this mess, if no one killed her before then. 

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