Chapter 31

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"What's the problem now, Advocate Simms?" Dennison said as Skylar and Simms stood on the other side of his desk.

"She refuses my counsel."

Yeah, she'd refused his counsel, but not why Dennison or Simms would think. She hadn't given up hope. Just the opposite. Teegan had left. To where, she had no idea. But it was time to get pro-active or she'd never clear her name and have a chance at a normal life. And for that, a bit of subterfuge was required.

"I assure you, Miss Goldsmiths––"

"That's not my name," Skylar corrected. "That's the name of the terrorists who held me against my will and then used me."

"Yes, of course, Miss Blakeson, my apologies. As I was saying, I assure you that Advocate Simms is a highly qualified and respected advocate. You should not dismiss him so easily."

So that was her name? Blakeson... Skylar Blakeson... sounded better than Skylar Goldsmiths. At least it didn't have the taint of terrorists to it, at least she hoped it didn't.

"I suppose you can request a different advocate if Mr. Simms has proved himself inadequate or done something inappropriate."

"Oh, no, it's nothing like that. He's been a perfect gentleman and seems to know the law. I just don't need his services. It's my choice, isn't it?"

"Yes, but–––"

"Then I'll prepare my own defense."

Dennison drummed his fingers against his metal desk, and she could see the wheels spinning in Dennison's head, adding to the coldness she saw in him. At best, he was a calculating little weasel. No wonder Teegan had no respect for the man.

"Advocate, perhaps you should step outside for a minute," Dennison said, a smirk crossing his face. Simms nodded to both of them and then strolled out of the office.

"Let me lay this out for you straight, Blakeson. Your request to put on your own defense as a ploy to get your hands on a computer is not only ballsy, it's unrealistic. There's no way in hell I'm giving you access to a computer. Forget whatever Mickaelson's put you up to and start worrying about your own pathetic life. Maybe I should describe the numerous ways they can carry out the death penalty. Not one is pain-free, intentionally so."

Show no fear, nothing... Deflect him. "Teegan's gone, and he won't be back," she said, disliking how final her words sounded. She hoped he would come back, that he'd honor his promise, but she didn't expect he would. Other than his promise, he had no reason to return.

"Is that so..." Dennison tapped his datapad a few times. He was reading through the logs. "His ship departed two days ago. Figures. He was always good at running away. Just like on Uros. I thought he'd stay for you though, given how he confessed to everything that happened on Uros, just to get you a shot at freedom."

Skylar shifted, the tension in the office increasing. "What do you mean?"
Dennison's grin made her stiffen. "He confessed to war crimes, just to save you. You must be a good lay, because he's not thinking with his head, at least not the big one."

Teegan confessed to something to help her? He made a deal with this asshole?

"You can't deny me a defense."

"I'm not denying you anything, Blakeson. Take Simms, or turn him away and face Council with your arrogance and see how far that gets you. I don't really care. But you're not getting on a computer on my station."

Skylar exited Dennison's office, her hands shaking as Simms met her in the corridor. "Well, Miss?"

"You're hired, Simms," she said, pulling him down the corridor behind a blind that hid janitorial supplies. "But you only have three minutes to ask me questions."

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