Chapter 5

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Her sleep had been restless, with more angst-filled dreams about her past and future. Faces of men she didn't know, places she couldn't recall, names, and a general feeling of being alone, abandoned. The knock on her door had come at the right time, waking her before that same dream where the man with no face had crept up from behind her while she was typing at her keyboard and choked her into unconsciousness.

"Morning," Teegan said as the door slid open. She tried to return his cheery smile, but her nerves got the best of her and she only managed a half smile on her way to the bathroom.

"I'll be heading out soon," he said as she entered the bathroom.

"I bet you could use a partner," she said, through the door. She let him ponder that as she freshened up. She'd shower later. If he was venturing into the Station without her, then she'd use the time to go online and access the station's layout, to see if they'd made any modifications since she was last here.

As she exited the bathroom he asked, "A partner? You mean keep you on... after I double-cross my employer of course."

"I have skills. Besides, I could keep you company."

"I don't need company. Don't need anyone."

"These stations can be a seedy place to do business, let alone enjoy some down time at the establishments," she said, exiting the bathroom. "Even a big buy like you needs someone to watch your back."

He was leaning against the wall, trying to look relaxed, but he was anything but. A small vein in the side of his neck pulsed wildly. "You're my job, not my partner. Why do you keep forgetting that?"

"Would you prefer I act like a frightened little girl?"

His lips thinned. "I'd like you to start caring about your fate."

He was being serious. "Interesting."

"What?" He looked baffled again.

"That you care enough to say that."

"So that's your plan? Drive me crazy until I dump you and fly away as fast as I can?"

"Hardly, but I'll keep that strategy in mind should I ever find myself in similar circumstances again." She smiled, enjoying that confused look of his.

Skylar strolled to the galley. "Did you eat yet? I thought I saw some dried meats and fruit in here that I could reconstitute." She started rummaging through the food packets, until he put a hand on hers, holding her firm, but not in a threatening way. Her entire body suddenly became attuned to his touch, waiting, expecting – clamoring for more. His thumb started gliding across her wrist, inching its way higher, sending a tingle through her. It wasn't fair that someone could have that power over her, not when he cared nothing about what happened to her. She was nothing more than a paycheck to him.

His hand stopped shy of the needle Ephrams. "I'm locking the ship when I leave. Will you behave if I let you roam the ship, or do I have to lock you into your cabin?"

She eased away from him, unsure she was ready for a repeat of yesterday. She'd been too ready to give in to him, and this wasn't the time for distractions, no matter how delectable and muscular they were.

"I'm not one to obey the rules," she said, a teasing yet hesitant smile crossing her face. His eyes narrowed but he wasn't angry. One adorable eyebrow rose. Gods, she shouldn't be enjoying teasing him, but she was.

"I have no qualms with tying you up," he said, his finger tracing the line of her jaw.

"That's no fun alone," she said, her stomach flipping as his fingertip glided down her neck as it had yesterday. She could feel his need to go lower, and it nearly matched her own.

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