Chapter 19

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Skylar's eyes went wide, as if he had not only stabbed her, but was now forcing the knife higher and twisting it to maximize the damage. It was painful to watch the confusion, shock and fear spread across her face. She was a forgiving person on whole as it went against her nature to hate, but he'd hurt her deeply, and he had never realized it until this moment when the color drained from her face and the glint in her eye, the one she'd carried when he'd first kidnapped her, disappeared. He needed to end this entire charade, for her sake, but doing so would result in more damage.

Locked in a cell with Dennison of all people listening in, he didn't have the luxury of being truthful with her. He had to silence her before she incriminated herself. The second she said anything about the images she'd drawn or how this wasn't the first blackout episode she'd had, Dennison would have enough evidence to use against her.

Before he could yell out to Dennison a second time, Skylar punched him in the face, bloodying his nose. "How dare you try to sell me out again!"

One punch was all she got before his reflexes kicked in and he pulled her onto his lap. Maybe that one punch would help heal some of her wounds. If so, it was worth the pain. As he pinned her arms against her body, her scent rolled over him. Gods, he should be holding her lightly, caressing her lovely arms, not using his strength to overpower her and cause more damage to her confidence or spirit.

"I had to stop you from incriminating yourself," he whispered in her ear as he pointed towards the hidden camera in the ceiling once more. She'd been too caught up with her anger to think strategically. And that was all on him, for the way he'd turned her over to Garrox. Slowly, the fight drained from her and he could feel the depth of her fear, though she wasn't afraid of him. Her head fell against his shoulder, and he closed his eyes, wishing they were anywhere but here, so he could soothe her fears and make her feel safe again.

"I want to go home, Teegan," she whispered back.

He could hear the tremor in her voice. That she was struggling was clear, but she was brave too, and she'd make it through. "I know, Princess," he said, lightly kissing the top of her head.

"So, Mickaelson," Dennison said as he entered the cell and pulled Skylar out of Teegan's lap. "Afraid a little thing like her will have enough to put you away for life, huh?" Dennison pushed Skylar up against a wall, with his palm flat on her chest. "Nice punch by the way, darling. Don't even think of attacking me or you'll see what I can do, and believe me, I'm a lot rougher than that piece of shit," he said, pointing towards Teegan.

Skylar found Teegan's eyes. The fear and confusion he saw there tore at him. His entire body was overwhelmed with the need to push her behind him and end Dennison, but he couldn't even reach her, chained as he was to the middle of the cell.

"I'm not ratting anyone out, Dennison," Teegan said, rising to his feet, as much as the short chains would allow. "But I have a plan that will give you what you want." He kept his eyes trained on Skylar. She needed the connection, as did he.

"More than the two terrorists I have right here? I doubt you can do it, Teegan, but I'll listen just the same."

"I can deliver two of Devon's top people, but only if you drop the terrorism charges."

"How high up?"

"His biochemists."

Dennison's lips pursed as he considered. "Give me names, locations and I'll see what I can do."

"No, your people aren't trained like I am, and you know it. I'll run the op."

Dennison wrapped his hand around Skylar's neck and squeezed.

"Leave her alone!" Teegan screamed as he charged towards them. The chains clanked as they pulled taut. Dennison laughed as he released Skylar who was coughing and rubbing her neck.

"She means something to you. That's all I needed to know to ensure you won't cross me. I'll let you and your ship go and you get me the bomb makers or this sweet thing of yours will find herself so buried in the system you'll never find her."

"No, she's part of the deal. She's necessary for my plans. I deliver, and you drop the charges, against both of us," Teegan said, finally taking his eyes off of her. He needed to deal with Dennison.

"You alone, Mickaelson. I can't justify letting her go."

"So you're just a low-ranking officer, as I suspected," Teegan said.

Dennison got in his face. "You really want to push me, Mickaelson?"

"You know she's not a terrorist. She doesn't have the skills," Teegan said, only partially tempering his voice.

Dennison eyed Skylar. "Give me one thing that explains her involvement, something that proves her innocent."

"She's an information mule. They've been drugging her and filling her head with information and then sending her through security to the assassins who extract the information they need. They found an effective way around security, a way to transmit tons of information. Faces, blueprints, schedules... all the details a terrorist group would need to assassinate a Keeper. They've been using her and making a mockery out of you and DSPS in the process."

Dennison stopped smiling. "Who are you bringing me and where's their base?"

"Margaret and Ephram Goldsmiths." Teegan heard Skylar gasp, but he didn't look at her. One problem at a time. "And I'm not sharing the location. It's my only leverage."

Dennison's grin widened. "You better not be dicking with me, Mickaelson."

"Why would I do that? Just to prove you're an asshole? I'm sure everyone in DSPS already knows that. Here's your chance to prove to them that you can carry out an op without fucking it up."

Dennison's grin disappeared and from the way the vein in the side of his temple was pulsing, Teegan knew he'd pushed the right buttons. He only hoped Dennison would be willing to deal, or Dennison would do as he threatened... bury her so deep in the system Teegan would never find her. 

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