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[Note: You may enjoy reading with the music above]

[Author's POV]

[11:34 AM, Bookstore]

[April 25, 4037]

"Hey Edgeworth!"

Oh gosh.. It's him isn't it?

He turns his back, to find it's his clingy co-worker, again. "I was hoping that you wanna go get some lunch later on?" The man ask, his co-worker is just a few years older than him. Not that he worries, it's probably just some friendly treat, "Sure, where to?" he asks, "That new ramen shop I found, downtown, why not there?"

Hmm.. I do want some ramen..

"Alright then." he sighs, "Great! And by the way do you need some help? You seem like trouble there. Go take a break I'll do the rest" his co-worker said, pushing him towards the employee room, "Ahh, what a gentleman he is.. I wish he could help me too.." the female employee sighs dreamily, "Are they both dating? He seems really close" they gossip.

Phoenix.. I miss you.. But I have to move on..


[12:03 PM, Hokkaido Ramen]

[April 25, 4037]

"Eat up while it's still hot" his co-worker said, grabbing the wooden chopstick, snapping them apart. "Right.." he stares at the bowl of hot ramen. "You seem down, is it because of your ex? I told you, he's a criminal." The man scoffs, continuing to slurp his noodles.


"Ahh.. That was great don't you think?" his co-worker nudges him "Hmm.. You still look upset, it's alright you just broke up. You should try forgetting him y'know, I bet he's kind of an ass. Ugh, I'll never be that person." "He's not an-" "Let's go back before the manager come looking for us right?" "Yeah.. Right.." "C'mon" his co-worker held his hand together, he tried to let go but it seems like his co-worker is on cloud 9. Without any rejection, he was forced to walk while holding hands with his co-worker.


[5:23 PM, Main Alley]

[April 30, 4037]

It's been a few days, it seems like Phoenix isn't really coming back, so as he predicted. The memories of this alley where they first met flashes into Edgeworth's head. It's now his favorite place to walk through.


Loud footsteps was running towards him, he quickly looks back, it was a black hooded man.

He's probably in a rush.

Edgeworth couldn't see his face clearly and he intended not to. As he continue to walk it seems like the man is still behind him. He tried not to panic.

Maybe he's on the same route where I'm going, there's no right to assume.

As usual, he walks normally, well that is until the man taps his shoulder

Fuck.. Am I gonna be kidnap?

"Edgeworth!" "H-huh?" he looks back, "It's me!" his co-worker smiles "I was hoping I'd find you, you left this at the store." his co-worker hands him his book "O-oh.. Yeah.. I was looking for that, thank you." Edgeworth gave the man a pat on the shoulder "I'll see you tomorrow, then." he stated, then started to walk away "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." his co-worker wave, but he didn't bother waving back and continue to walk back home.


[7:14 PM, Battlefield]

[April 30, 4037]

"WE NEED BACK UP NOW!" "MOVE FORWARD! MOVE FORWARD!" "SOMEONE CALL THE REINFORCEMENT, WE NEED MEDICAL KIT!" As in here, it's more brutal and fatalities comparing to Edgeworth's State. Phoenix manage to help some men and fight off the enemies "EL-03! Defuse the bomb, quickly we have 2 more minutes remaining!" one of the soldier said, he nodded and sprint towards the main building inside.

He scans around the building to make sure that no one is inside. "Alright, so there's 2 men inside, I'm going in." he expertly swing around the ceiling broken rails, climbing up to the highest floor. He silently walk towards the room, stopping his tracks to eavesdrop on both the enemies "The boss said there's someone going in, we need to prepare" "Oh relax! It's just one person, our gear is stronger than ever! They can't underestimate us!" The other man said, they both laugh it off. Phoenix kicks the door open, pulling a dagger out of his pockets "Hah! A knife? These babies can teach you how to back off!" The man dressing in blue smirks, "Is that so? Then show me how your gear can work better than an ordinary dagger." Phoenix smirks wider than the man, he closes the door behind him then chaos starts.

"Hello?! This is the commander! Is everything okay there?" Phoenix grabs the walkie talkie out of the, now dead body. And changes his voice exactly into the enemy's "Yes sir, everything is clear up." he throws the device away and quickly started to defuse the bomb. It was 50 seconds left, he have to hurry.

"Phoenix.." a voice called, he turns around, "Edgeworth?" "Phoenix! I missed you so much, please, come back I need you." "E-Edgeworth.. I-I'll come back for you" he hugs the boy passionately, not wanting to let him go "Phoenix?! Phoenix!" he snaps out of his thoughts, there was only 20 seconds left.

Fuck! I have to hurry.

He quickly defuses the bomb then the mission success "Commander, I've defuse the bomb, I'm going ba-" "You should not. There 5 guards around you. Use another exit." without thinking, he smashes the window and jumps out, hanging into the broken rails and climbs up. He jumps from building to building, not slipping a single hole from the building. He quickly sprints back into the warzone. "RETREAT! RETREAT!" The voice shouted, gun shootings and violence were still all over, some manage to retreat, many of them was shot.

"EL-03! You did it. Good work, now let's go back" the commander grins, ruffling the boy's hair. "Let's go. We still have more to succeed." "Aye EL-03, not bad. It was pretty much a hard work, we'll owe you one!" "Yeah!" chatters fills in the room. "That goddamn piece of metalic bitch, stealing my spot isn't he?
He'll pay."

1030 words

Two Souls | NarumitsuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora