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[Author's POV]

[10:54 AM, Edgeworth's House]

[April 23, 4037]

"Please! It's better if I come with you, what if someone harassed you?" Phoenix persuades the boy who was about to leave, "It's only work Phoenix.. I'll be fine there's always a security guard I could ask for" Edgeworth reassures him "You're choosing a security guard over me?" he shook his head "Not that Phoenix, you'll cause chaos if you do," he explains "It'll get you in trouble." "I'll behave, I promise" Phoenix pleaded

If I leave him.. Maybe those spies would capture him, it's pretty obvious why their spying..

"Alright, alright you can come" "Really?" Phoenix looks at him "Yes, really" Edgeworth smiles.

Just so you'll be safe.


[11:24 AM, Bookstore]

[April 23, 4037]

As they reach the local bookstore, Phoenix stops his tracks and scans around the area "Clear" he whispers to himself, "Hm? What's that?" "Oh, uh, nothing" he scratches his spiky hair awkwardly "Let's go inside" Phoenix pushes the door open. The building was filled with people reading and whispering, some are munching their croissant while reading the books, most of them were choosing books from each sections. "This place is huge" he whispers, nudging Edgeworth, who was talking to the manager.

"Sit anywhere you want, I'll be working now, alright?" he nodded his head, once again, Edgeworth grins at the boy. What they didn't know.. Is in the distance.. "Yes sir, we located EL-03" "Good" the voice in the other line smirked.


"What kind of novel is this.. Romance? Romeo and Juliet? The Notebook? Fifty Shades Of Grey- woah that's.. Something.." Phoenix embarrassingly flipping the pages on the book "I want you to kiss me, Jamie?"

Ohh uhh... This is weird

"What are you reading?" a voice ask, he quickly hides the book behind his back "Romance?" he replied, It was Edgeworth, leaning on the bookshelves with a mischievous smirk plastered on his face "Fifty Shades Of Grey? A great book for a starter" "Ah.. Aha.. Thanks I was just.. Looking around-" he awkwardly smiles again "-But anyways," he clears his throat, "What are you doing here?" he asks, "In charge of cleaning the shelves" he simply replies.

"This work sure seems pretty fun for you" he said "Indeed. I enjoy reading books." The boy smiles

Cute. Wait, cute? Uh well he IS cute, ahh am I?

"Phoenix?" he snaps out of his thoughts, "Y-yes?" "On your thoughts? I wonder what you're thinking" a blush crept on his cheeks "It's nothing! Just some unusual thoughts I have.." "Unusual? I wonder" Edgeworth walks away, grinning mischievously.

Just so you wait!

As so that day, Phoenix Wright, reads the whole book of Fifty Shades Of Grey.


"Work is done for today, let's go back- Phoenix?" Edgeworth strokes the sleeping boy's hair and checks the time [5:16 PM]

He must be really tired waiting for me

He smiles to himself, sitting beside the sleeping boy. He gently caress his soft cheeks and blushes slightly "Phoenix.. Wake up" the soft voice wakes the boy up, "Oh, Edgeworth.. What's up?" he ask, clearing his throat "Let's go my work shift is done for today" "Ah.. Alright let's go" he quickly stood up, tugging his tie professionally, they both walk out of the bookstore. Walking home together.


[3:02 AM, Edgeworth's House]

[April 24, 4037]

Silence. It's just silence. Phoenix was wide awake. He stares at Edgeworth quietly who was already fast asleep.


He quickly gets up, staring at the door, "Intruder?" he whispers to himself, he activates his night vision and walks out of the room.


"Mmhh! Mmfhh" he muffles, trying to release himself from the strong grip, 2 men stood in front of him "We got him commander, we're going back now."

Fuck.. No please

He manages to untie himself and stood up kicking the man aggressively "Fuck, you're one tricky robot aren't you?" The other man smirks "It's good that we brought back up" Phoenix glares at the door entrance as 5 more men stood there

Fuck.. Edgeworth..

Without hesitation, he shoves the nearby man, getting back inside Edgeworth's bedroom, locking the door behind him. "E-Edgeworth! Wake up!" he shakes his body "H-huh? Phoenix? What's wrong?" "OPEN THE DOOR AND YOU WON'T BE HARM!" The voice outside shouted "We have to go!" he whispers loudly, "H-how?" "OPEN UP!" The door knocked loudly "P-Phoenix.." he suddenly shed a tear "C'mon Edgeworth, we can escape through the window!"

It's only been a few days! I can't leave..
I just can't..

With no more talking, the door kicks open "EL-03 You are coming with us" one of the man said, Phoenix glares at them, then soften his gaze on Edgeworth "Phoenix.."


Letting his guard down, suddenly his body was electrocuted "PHOENIX NO!" he ran into the fainted body "What have he done to you!" he glares on the group of men "Sir, he is a military figure, we might need you to come with us too." The few of them grip tightly into Edgeworth, preventing him from Phoenix, whose body was being dragged. "No!"


"Mr. Edgeworth?" a soft voice asks, he quickly clears his thoughts and stares into a woman "Morning sir, My name is Mia Fey I'd like to ask you a few questions.. Would you mind answering me?" he nods his head "So.. How did you find him?" she asks softly, handing him a cup of water "A week or so.. He saved me from being harassed" he responded, chugging the water down to his throat, "Ah? Is that so.. Do you.. Have the remote?" "Yes.." she sighs, glancing at the other man, who was leaning on the wall

"Would you mind giving it to me?" she takes out her hand "Y-yes.. He slips his hands through his pockets, searching for the remote and takes it out of it, nervously handing the item to the woman, who is now, smiling sincerely "It must've been hard for him, I'm truly sorry.." she said "I-I-" he stutters "I love him.." he tears up, looking down on the cold floor

Mia widens her eyes, glancing back at Diego. He grins, nodding his head "It's best if you move on." he said, "I don't want him to leave," he sniffs, clearing his throat "What should we do about this?" "He could try-"

"B-but.. I'll try moving on.."

1080 words

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