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[Note: You may enjoy reading with the music above]

[Note: Sorry for the late update! The lights when out after I got home so I gotta freaking wait t'll it's on. But I do hope you enjoy]

[Also....... I also remember Phoenix is a robot, so he ain't going to the hospital buuut to Mia's house :D. Alright back to the story.]

[Author's POV]

[Mia's Laboratory, 12:19 AM]

[August 17, 4038]

"How is he professor?" Edgeworth quickly stands up as Mia exits the operation room, "We manage to get the tip of the knife out, but his systems seems to be abit malfunction so it might take me.. several months to get his systems repaired again. I'm truly sorry for you, Mr. Edgeworth." Mia held his hands and smiles, "I'm sure he'll be fine, I promise. All he needed to know is that you're okay-" "But.. How could I be okay if he's in the state of destroyed? I can't.. It's all my fault that I put him into a major trouble, he truly deserves better." Edgeworth released his hands off Mia's grip and looks down, "Ahh.. You can't blame yourself for something you didn't do, Phoenix could be stupid sometimes but he did what he think was right."

Edgeworth held his tears like he always do and nodded his head, "You have to promise me he'll be okay." Mia chuckles, "I promise he will." Edgeworth lets out a sigh of relief, "Thank you, professor." Mia laughs it off and waves her hands, "Just call me Mia. And the pleasure is mine, Mr. Edgeworth."

Later then after a short conversation between the two, Edgeworth waved goodbye and leaves the labotary, Mia quickly sighs and walks back to check on Phoenix, "We could repair him.. Just that.. His brain was also damaged.. Meaning, he'll lost half of his memory. Have you inform this to Mr. Edgeworth?" Mia shook her head 'no', saying, "I'm afraid it's too early to tell him.. I don't want him to worry much yet. Just keep this down for awhile until he's actually ready for the answers." Mia patted Godot's shoulders softly, "Wise decision then... We should start repairing him soonn, before bad things happen" "Yeah, let's do it"


"Hmm~ repairing my Feenie?~ good idea, by then he'll only remember me!" Dahlia watches from afar, giggling off her thought, "My plan won't fail this time~" she turns around, facing her sister. Iris, who was tied up, struggling to leave, "You.. Ruined my plan sister! It's time for me.. To get my revenge!"


*A month later or so*

[Mia's Labotary, 9:30 AM]

[September 7, 4038]

"He's almost repaired, don't worry but I.. Have quite of a bad news so, let's talk outside" the both of them exits the room after checking on Phoenix's state, now sitting on the couch. "What is it professor?" Edgeworth gulps in nervousness, "Well.. Ahh.. This happened about a month ago, Professor Armando informed me that.. Phoenix might have a memory lost because of the damage happen in his brain, so.. He might not remember anything. It's like a start-over, I'm afraid I should tell you this sooner or later but now here I am, giving you the bad news.. I'm sorry"

"It's alright, you did your best professor. If it means to start over I'll be more happy than nothing." Mia sighs in relief, "That's great then, I didn't expect you to react like that. I just needed a few more replacement on his body then his ready to go. You could wait here if you want, he'll be awake in a few hours." Edgeworth nodded his head, "I think I'll stay here and wait. I have no work today." Mia smiles widely, "That's good then. I should get going and get him done sooner, he'll be fine by then."

"Thank you, again, professor."

"It's my pleasure to help you, Mr. Edgeworth."


*Several hours later*

[Much timeskip because I didn't plan any next dialogue.. I'm sorry]

"Alright.. Just need to test him out now." Mia turns his system on and steps back as his eyes slowly opens up. He looks around the room confusingly, just like the first day he was created of course. "How are you feeling so far? Any pain?" Phoenix shooks his head 'no'. "That's good then, I'd like you to meet someone. You might remember him."

Remember him?

"Ms. Mia.. Who is this.. 'him'?" Phoenix asks, she glance back at Phoenix and grins, "Someone you love."

Love? Love is a strong word.. But I'm curious about this.. 'Him'

Phoenix quickly follows behind Mia out of the room, with curiosity filled in his mind, his only question is;

Do I really remember him?


"Here we are, right this way," Mia clicks the door open, letting Phoenix entering the office first before Mia. As he examines the room, he spotted a man, rather on his early 20's or so. Without hesitation, he approaches the man. "P-Phoenix?" The man said, Phoenix stares at him confusingly as he scans the man;



[NAME: Miles Edgeworth]
[AGE: 25]
[SEX: Male]

[More Information]

[Adress: Cloverwork's Resident, xx-xx]
[Status: Single ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ]
[Job: Local Bookstore]

".. Phoenix?" he quickly snaps out of his scanning, "Miles Edgeworth, are you single?"


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1110 words

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